
I also watched an episode or two of Bonding. My main memory is of a flashback of the female lead and her gay BFF having sex in a  car in a high school flashback, or something. I had totally forgotten the show existed. 

Bill and Jason left the season after her (sadly Jason never really did get much of an exit, I guess because he was never sure whether he was going). Andy Samberg left when she did. Unfortunately there’s always a bit of awkwardness in that segment because Abby Elliott serves as one of her handmaidens, or whatever, and

Cecily is one of my favorite cast members of all time, but it hasn’t really felt like she’s been there the last two seasons, for various reasons. She still has standout moments, but I think she has reached a natural end to her tenure. I think they have a lot of good people who can keep the show going, with proper

And the whole idea that solemn, slumbering renditions are how the songs were always meant to be sung (like that cover of “Everybody Wants to Rule the World,” which is perfect in original form).

I was thinking of their thing in season 3, but you’re right, they were never a proper couple. 

When it later came out that supposedly the plan was for Xander/Willow to reunite after Tara’s death but the vocal backlash made them decide not to put her with a man (I think that was the claim), the somewhat half-hearted material for Kennedy made more sense to me. I didn’t mind it but yeah, not really the show’s

That would have been a great idea. I didn’t really mind Kennedy, but a Faith/Willow relationship has so many dynamics to explore,  especially as they were both slowly rebuilding their lives and also because Faith had not ever had a stable relationship, while Willow had mostly just had relationships she idealized and

I’m sure someone will tell you you’re wrong, but, as a queer viewer (admittedly I did not watch Angel faithfully as I got sick of it during season 3, so I may have missed something), I also did not ever get any great sense of a sexual desire or relationship between Spike and Angel. Yes, the implication was that

One of the main reasons I stopped watching Supernatural (aside from the show clearly having nothing left to say as they weren’t willing to truly go in a new direction) is because of the toxic fan community, full of people who despised each other and wide swathes of the show itself. It takes a lot for them to be united

There was a comic series (DC I think) on this subject, so the starting grounds are even there.

According to an interview last year with Dan Vitale (a featured player that year), Lorne also tried to get his friend Anjelica Huston in the cast (she would co-host the finale).

Ironically, they got some very low ratings during the time when people were most stuck at home, although that was due to the “at home” shows and many people clearly not being interested in watching that concept (I think some other shows also had poorly rated “at home” episodes around this time). The election was a big

SNL being more of a show focused on anything beyond that mostly stopped in the early to mid ‘90s. I tend to put season 20 as the dividing line.

SNL did have a middle-aged cast member in their first episode (George Coe), who was let go because they decided they could just have the younger cast play old with makeup and prosthetics. Industry makeup (and SNL has a pretty good makeup department) means it isn’t as ridiculous now as it was at the time, but I do

I think Kenan is a bit of a special case as he has been there for nearly 20 years and probably feels like the show is a core part of him - he has suggested he will leave once he does hit the 20 year mark. The others seem to be a combo of staying during the pandemic and seeing the show as a security blanket. Another

I would say SNL has quietly moved in this direction anyway - there are Pete Davidsons or Andrew Dismukes, but the show has started casting more and more people who were in their early or mid-30s (Ego, Punkie, Mikey, Alex, Heidi, Chris, etc.). They have also changed their schedule to be more accommodating to letting

Other than Will Forte’s sketch and Fred Willard’s (I think that one aired’s been a few years though), the first few episodes didn’t get a laugh out of me and mostly just left me annoyed at the waste of the talent involved. After that everything got much better and I was able to enjoy the show and cut

Neither had I. To be honest when I saw the title I assumed it was some sort of show about BTS. From the above tweet about the ugly backstage atmosphere, maybe Netflix was never going to renew it, but I’m sorry for the cast and the fans. 

I never knew of all those connections. What a phenomenal Groundlings cast that was.

I saw various tweets about this saying “the white gays” (always a reliable source of hate for Twitter) would be furious, racist, etc. at Mackie. but, as mentioned elsewhere here, the “exploitation” (if you want to call it that) tends to come more from a group that is often more populated by straight women. With