
That’s kind of you to say. I’m never sure how to respond to people who go into recap sections and react to fans who want to talk about the recaps and the shows in detail. I go on too much, I will admit, and I’m sure that is difficult to, you know, scroll past - I just like talking to people here about the show.

Nicole Sullivan once said that Lorne would just never mention Mad TV when asked about it in interviews. With the show long dead, I would assume he doesn’t care as much now (and he did hire Taran Killam for a while), but you never know with him. A monologue about Keegan being on Mad TV would have been more fun than the

I think Cecily is great at doing specific characterizations (like Susan Collins), but at one point this season she just seemed to be trading one off for another (I think she played...four? in just a few months) and I didn’t really feel the strong work she can do.

Now playing

Cut sketches (supposedly the Served Drinks sketch was from Elon’s episode...only on SNL would Elon Musk and Keegan Michael Key [presumably] play the same role):

You could tell from the monologue that Keegan was the exact type of host SNL, especially the SNL of the last 20 or so years, is intimidated by. The man is a sketch comedy legend, he can be a leading man or a goofball, he’s got great charisma and physicality- he can do just about anything and more. I tried to keep low

I cringed at that part (the sketch itself wasn’t any great shakes but there were moments I enjoyed, mainly thanks to some character beats - not that one though). Chloe has had an odd season - she hasn’t really taken off the way I thought she would, and even the impressions she had started to corner the market on have

I read  somewhere this morning that The Unicorn had a lot of support at CBS and they were considering working on a shorter third season. I guess that isn’t happening, but I hope for the sake of the people involved and the fans that they find a home somewhere. 

I don’t see anything but some of the fan sites may miss musical cameos and such so you may be right. Now that I think of it, they wasted their chance bringing Kristen Wiig back and having Grimes play the niece of Judy Grimes...

I would have thought it was Chloe if Grimes’ cameo hadn’t been mentioned a few hours before air. So yeah, I imagine most people had the same reaction.

His episode mostly sucked and just reinforced views in the long term that SNL is shit, but it got good ratings and weeks of publicity, so in the short term Lorne and NBC are happy.

Apparently she had a panic attack after appearing and had to be hospitalized.

I used to defend the longer seasons, but if we keep getting casts and gameplay like the last 5-6 years, then I agree they are too long now. think the last season I watched closely is the season where Paul lost for a second time (I didn’t taper off because he lost - I just thought it was a gross season and I was

This is well said, and close to my own experience. I grew up seeing her standup and then occasionally watching her first sitcom. I remember the backlash over her coming out (Laura Dern, who was only a guest star in that episode, said she struggled to find work for about a year and she needed security detail), and the

I watched this season, along with following feed recaps and watching live feed footage when I could (my connection was not good). The Shapiro era of BB was much better-edited than what would come after he left, but I was very annoyed at the time because one of the houseguests, Marcellus, was edited as mostly being a

I was in the same boat as you for many years - somewhere in the last 3-4 years I found myself giving up, as the editing increasingly moved toward focus on couples and romance and the house itself lost all sense of gameplay in favor of a hivemind (a hivemind often led and dominated by extremely unpleasant people). I

It’s difficult to express now the impact those first 2 or 3 seasons of the Real World had, especially in a pre-social media era where everything wasn’t picked to pieces. These were also the last few years before sneering and excessive cynicism began to choke out most discourse (and much television and coverage of

There was a book put out after the first 4-5 seasons with some thoughts from the casting people, producers, etc. They mentioned how much Cory surprised them because when they cast her, based on her personality and her bio (fighting fires in the rainforest, etc. I believe) they thought she would be much stronger than

Based on Rachel’s life and career since, she and Puck were a pretty good match. 

What a career to go back to Eva Le Gallienne. I’d forgotten that her final role was on St. Elsewhere, in an episode about three women sharing a hospital room (that also had a wonderful performance from Blythe Danner).

The wine mom sketch was one of my favorite sketches this season. It fit the type of split between normality and hysteria that Aidy tends to excel at, the actual signs cracked me up (especially the one about home being the “ho in me”), and the supporting cast (especially Regina King drawling “That’s my favorite!” at