
Considering how incredibly toxic just about every backstage atmosphere seems to be with CBS procedural dramas now, I mostly just want to wish her luck.

I blame showrunners or producers who play along instead of just stating flat out (this seemed to happen with this show and it definitely happened with Supernatural), but I do think fans read way too much into what they can expect out of canonical material. I know the world has changed, but the fans who shipped Kirk

It probably helped with his Dancing with the Stars appearance (unless that was already in the works), but I agree he was too small-time to have as much of an impact. Lindell probably benefits more.

The years Jimmy Kimmel spent giving America teary-eyed monologues and the basic likeability he has managed to exude through decades of d-bag antics helped put him into the “resistance” bracket when he’s really just another extremely wealthy figure who sees opportunities like the above to hold onto that wealth and play

He’s one of the few I would want to see, but I doubt he’d be asked. 

I couldn’t believe that list - even a number of Oscar nominees on there. At this point they should just broadcast TCM’s tribute, which isn’t perfect, but is far superior.

I do think VH1 still had some enjoyable stuff through the ‘90s (I used to enjoy 8 Track Flashback, Pop Up Video, even the early Behind the Musics). Once they started going into the increasingly skeevy reality shows and those awful smugfest talking head shows (like the one above, which may be the cheapest looking thing

It was great to read through this oral history. I don’t have a lot of memories of this film, as I just saw it a few times back when it was first available. A few years before, Eating Out had been released, and garnered some controversy as that was around 2003-2004 when gay-themed shows and exploitation of gay

Considering all the backlash against Waithe over the last year (for everything that happened at The Chi, the writing for Them, Queen & Slim, etc.) not the greatest timing.

I saw a tweet about how afterward, some reporter asked her how Brad Pitt smelled and she replied that she was not a dog. I hate stupid questions like that so I’m glad she shut it down.

I would say she deserved an Oscar for World According to Garp - that was a very difficult role in a very difficult film. I know Jessica Lange had to win because she wasn’t awarded for Frances, but I would have given them a tie. 

Such a strange journey where many were sure Glenn would win for her next nomination, only to be repulsed by said film and relieved that she didn’t win. Instead she got a moment which won’t sit on a shelf, but was far more enjoyable. I didn’t ever put down, “Glenn Close steals the night by shaking her ass” as a thing

I think you’d better be prepared for the, “Cultural Appropriation Is Wrong, Even From Glenn Close,” thinkpieces. 

It’s difficult to hear about Lorne’s mind games, or being aloof, but then you also hear his attempts to reassure anxious cast members (like Bill Hader) or when, after Julia Sweeney left SNL on bad terms and complained in the press, he recommended her for a job on Shrill years later. 

Cecily said recently she won’t decide until August, but her patterns this season (barely appearing for long stretches of time, or just popping up for one big role, often with the rest of the cast not heavily involved) is what you tend to get with longtime cast members who are about to leave. Aidy I’m not sure about as

I think Lorne said he’d stay to the 50th anniversary, if there is one. I wouldn’t be surprised if he starts handing off more and more of his involvement, although then it would depend on who his replacement is...

I think the 90-minute format is the show’s saving grace - it allows for a bit more experimentation and less of the “greatest hits” format they would settle into at 60 minutes. I do agree about Lorne and a cast turnover. We are probably getting one of the latter after this season. I can’t imagine the former is too far

A few of the cast don’t seem happy (Aidy Bryant posted a Bernie quote about billionaires, and Bowen Yang just made a sad face emoji). I can’t see anyone pulling a Nora Dunn and boycotting, but I do wonder if this will make some of the longtime cast who are not sure whether to go finally pack it in. The show does need

I think they still do, at times, but rarely when they are trying to do so (when they try, we get stuff like...Cecily Strong singing “To Sir, With Love” to Obama’s photo). It’s more in the occasional slice-of-life pieces or Update bits.

I’m mostly wondering if we will ever get to Scourge.