
Shuddering at the clickbait faux-outrage pieces so many sites would have written about Star Trek fans in the ‘60s and ‘70s...

I also think it’s easy to forget that Captain America, while obviously more well-known to the public than, say, Iron Man, was not really on a level of national symbol the way Superman or Batman or Spiderman were. Even in the first few movies the character was mostly seen as something of a square who was there to react

So far both shows seem to basically be following the MCU film versions of success (on a streaming scale, anyway), right down to the overwrought think pieces picking apart material that is best served thinking of just in parts. I have to admit I did fall into that mindset with WandaVision - overthinking and expecting

It would be easy to make fun of these people, suggesting that their minds—fresh off the “success” of Zack Snyder’s Justice League—have now been so corrupted by the interconnected web of entitlement that exists betwixt online culture and the superhero-movie-industrial complex, that they’re now essentially just

Melissa has so much talent, which she just rarely gets to properly use on SNL (every season I hope that will change, but with that show once something sticks it is hard to un-stick). I’m glad your interview focused so much on other aspects of her life and career so she can define herself more on her own terms. 

There’s a bunch of clips of her on Youtube if you ever want to see any of her SNL work. She’s very underused, but “Bedroom” and “Dirty Talk” and “Hobbies” and “Melissa Seals the Deal” and “Animal Crossing” all use her well. She also has a few good Update pieces, like “Every Teen Girl Murder Suspect on Law and Order.” 

You’re right. I feel like early on there was more of a balance, but if I rewatched I might feel differently, I’m not sure.

I do think Sally Field is a wonderful actress, as so well put across in your article, but I have to admit her appearances on ER are one of the reasons I stopped watching the show - probably more of a last straw. The show had become so draining and unpleasant, and Abby in particular was such a draining character (where

One of the reasons I don’t really watch his show as much as I did several years back is because, for someone who does try to still heavily include comedy in his quasi-news program, I don’t think his material all that funny. He is much funnier on talk shows than on his own program. I would much rather he just do a

When I was a kid and would go to rent NES games or (as I got a bit older) Super NES/Genesis games, I would also spend time going by the shelves at the video store, studying all the boxes of films, especially fascinated by some that seemed to be there forever and seemed old even then (those often had the huge plastic

One of the head-scratchers of having long-running comic characters brought to life is wondering how much the limitations of live action (contracts, the possibility that the project is a flop, etc.) get in the way. I keep wondering if we will see more of Zemo or John Walker after this show or if their arcs were mostly

Helen was great in her Doctor Who appearance - Vampires in Venice is one of the few modern episodes that has something of a throwback feel, and her performance is one of the reasons why. She was just the right mix of camp and frightening, and had strong chemistry with Matt Smith. Really sorry to hear she has passed

I first saw Barbara Crampton when she was on The Young and the Restless, where she managed to take on an absolutely ridiculous character, one who went from escaping a mental hospital to try to kill her husband to marrying the show’s lead character while trying to keep from him that she had written a brutal expose of

I guess it will depend on whether people enjoyed everything up to the end. For me, most of GoT past season 4 is a big mess. 

The President showing how brave or cool he is by yukking it up with vacuous egomaniacal Beltway journalists is one of those “traditions” which doesn’t need to be brought back.

Curry seemed to be one of the only decent people in that whole vulture group at Today.

I think the contract is 7 years, but people have still left earlier than that (Leslie Jones did after 5 years). Aidy talked a few years ago about possibly leaving - the pandemic probably put that on hold. I can’t see her staying much longer.

She also seems to have inherited Roseanne’s tradition of having a new job every season (at one point she was working as a cocktail waitress at a job Crystal suggested her for upon retirement, then she went to work at a threadbare local paper, etc.).

I’m a few seasons behind - can’t say that clip makes me want to rush to catch up.

Chris has such star power, I can see him leaving in a season or two anyway, but I hope they keep using him well while they have him.