I think they are very reluctant to say anything about Kamala, due to their audience and also Maya admiring her. I am just sort of hoping we won’t see her much from now on. I agree about Biden, and also their just avoiding politics.
I was mostly happy to see Punkie get a chance, but I agree the writing wasn’t very good. I do hope it leads to more for her.
Dana lives on the West Coast so under the current circumstances I’m not sure he would come in. I don’t really think his softer impression on Colbert would work in the SNL format, but I do wish there was a way he could work with Moffat, who sure isn’t getting any help from the writers.
I think it works better as a first time viewing experience. It was fine, but the others felt sharper for me. Carey, other than glancing at the cards a bit, did well, but Mikey didn’t have the same drive he had in the other versions. Still, it’s only something they do once a year and is a crowd-pleaser.
If anything posting these probably means I’d never get a job at AV Club. I mostly just post them because there are only a few sites which have people who talk about the show as in actual conversations instead of just “Lib agenda” or “It hasn’t been funny since Kristen Wiig left,” or stan posts. I’m usually more…
Thanks for responding! I am not surprised people got emotional in that atmosphere. Looking at the clips that did air you can tell he was having fun; I’m glad he enjoyed the experience.
They probably could have (considering Cuomo got them back in the studio even when I’m not sure it was the safest idea, I wasn’t sure they’d say anything about him at all), but then I don’t think modern SNL is ever as tough on politicians as it was in past years. It’s just things are so polarized now, people react…
What tends to make Whedon’s spiral more severe is that he was seen not just as an extremely talented writer or producer, but as a god. To me it felt like he got more of the hype for his shows than many in the cast did. The same happened with The Avengers. Many people put him up on a huge pedestal and needed him to be…
Thanks for all the time spent putting this together. Definitely worth the time to read. I haven’t seen a great deal of Wonder Showzen, but I did watch an episode last year - I think it was “Body.” There were many attempts to shock, but nothing (even the puppet agitating a man until he nearly got a beatdown) stood out…
SNL doesn’t seem to do that type of bit as often now, referencing the host’s big work, unless it’s some of the big pop culture TV shows.
I think Kyle has shown a surprising amount of range and given many strong performances/sketches over the past 8 years, and I think Beck’s had a pretty good season, but I do feel like we have seen everything we are going to get with them.
They were probably burnt out, and SNL also tends to struggle with hosts who aren’t completely easy to put on the page, but when they had her husband crash her monologue and finish the last half with her, I wondered if they had decided she couldn’t do comedy. Some people, even well-known comedians, tend to fit into SNL…
A few weeks ago they had the “Boomers Got the Vax” rap, which mostly painted baby boomers as selfish and downright monstrous (gleefully pulling masks off younger people [not saying that hasn’t happened in real life...]). I saw a review or comment which slammed this space sketch because it was alienating the younger…
I think the closest was the David Tennant years - he and Matt Smith seemed to be popular in the US (to a degree) for a while, but yeah, the show never seemed to break through to the point of being a part of something like SNL. I think there were more references to Who in the few years before it came back on the air…
I come away assuming a few of the writers wanted to make fun of some of their least favorite aspects of the genre and just threw in the name of and some aspects of Portrait of a Lady even if the film as a whole doesn’t fit their complaints. They probably should have just not mentioned the film at all, but I guess they…
I get what you are saying - I hate it when movies I enjoy are misused for the sake of a cheap joke. I will say that when I watched this last night I never came away with the feeling that they were putting down either movie as much as just throwing out names of recent lesbian-related content to tag their parody onto.…
In another life she would have been Amanda Carrington on Dynasty.
I guess that’s because it was 15 years ago (nearly) and she’s gone on to a strong film career since then. It’s a shame that we had two Doctor Who alum hosting back-to-back with no mention though.
They actually had more about Cuomo than they have about Gaetz - two cold open appearances, and Update jokes, whereas Gaetz got one cold open and then some Update jokes.