
Found the bigot fuck face

Why are pople leaving this paradise? Why does it have the highest inequity? One party rule, why is it such a shithole?

You people support open borders where 100k arrive every month and use 5x (likely much more) the resources they do in their home countries. Fuck off.

Cry more commie

Just moved back after 10 years in Chicago- noticed this the first week. Old cars in Illinois age like bananas! 

Finally Jalopnik’s take on Trump! As if we can’t look at literally anything else on this cursed site for a shit commie take on Drumpf.

All art and media is ruined- Trump’s worst crime.

I met the coolest octogenarian AA cowboy in that bar; he was drinking henny soda with an orange twist. Was one of the most famous AA cowboys of the 60's/70's, traveled the world, had a smoking hot gal on his arm, and (hopefully is still) DJ’s on the South Side.

Eat your gruel comrade

Maybe fuck off?

Plenty of Mexicans making cheeseburgers. Fuck these communists.

Trump has made everyone fucking nuts.

Listen to this 85 IQ street rat. Get fucked ‘sis’

This is not accidental, and the same in-group is behind its development and promotion. You are only allowed the culture of guilt. I say, fuck off.

sounds pretty anti-semitic

LOL nobody gives a shit, nothing will change. This commie prop can fuck off back to Svveden and dodge grenades.

Maybe they are just not dogshit commies who are eager to get thrown in jail for eating a steak?

You don’t think POCs vote based on race?!

Why don’t you shock the shit out of them by moving out and paying your own way

Lol voting for Trump again...suck it losers!