‘Democrats: we’ll slit white throats’ is a hell of a slogan
‘Democrats: we’ll slit white throats’ is a hell of a slogan
POCs for sure going to benefit most from the prove your innnocence model the left is pushing
Probably fine w pursuing Trump w fake ass FISA process though
You hard street playas are why only 30% of murders in Chicago are solved and cops call bad neigborhoods ‘self-cleaning ovens’ - what a bunch of fucking clowns
Everyone knows how violent these people are
Do these guys all go to the same Temple?
The show is brutal after school shit
This show is pure propaganda, so heavy handed. Every charecter is a cartoon. Fuck this, this is the shit that makes me hate Trump.
She is obviously the smartest person on that stage
If these were whites pouring in at 100k a month everyone on this thread would be joining the Minutemen Project
Has this moron never heard of the US Chamber of Commerce
Maybe he’s not a communist?
Jesus were you raised by women?
Get fucked commie
Good for him -the ADL is just a shake-down operation like Rainbow Coalition etc.
You fucksticks punch people in red hats but go off
Sounds like...projection
You are stunning and brave
Media people too please (Max Boot et al)
Who’s kvetching over leaving Afghanistan and Syria?