Algebra sucks
Algebra sucks
How about who gives a shit? we shouldn’t be in the Ukraine anyway- we are aligned with ACTUAL Nazis you dopey fucks
fatshaming is NOT ok
‘why won’t my enemies help me win’ is this entire whiny thread
Sure did make a lot of money in politics
I hope Trump throws them all in jail after his landslide win in 2020
Can’t wait to see Hunter and ol’ Joe explain themselves in a Senate trial. You dumb dopes!
Sounds like a hard pillow loser
who cares dork jfc
you are going to lose both you idiotic commie
Anybody figure out why Hunter was hired? I am sure it was on the up and up you dopey fuckers.
LOL get fucked
Your wife’s boyfriend loved it
Communism has killed far more than facism but hey they CARE
I supposed it was too much to hope this could be written without the inevitable commie hysterics about Nazis and ‘simpler times’ JFC what a bunch of pussies.
Have you seen who ACTUALLY fucks their cousins or are you a science denying fuckstick
Fuck off bigot any Mexicans cooking burgers in the country
These are all the same people
See you in the streets comrade
Fuck off commie