The McDLT was goddamn amazing
The McDLT was goddamn amazing
Would love to see a deep dive into Kosher laws in this country.
Youre just a defensive bro who’s probably white to boot
Starbucks is wild
Can’t get enough of this dogshit communist propoganda
Oh man I call him Drumpf he’s worse than Hortler !
LOL see you in the streets commie
whipepo bad
Trump has fried Hollywood’s brains. It’s all propoganda all the time.
Hey everything bad started with Drumpf
What Chicago school did you go to? Your terrible spelling is all over this thread.
Takes a lot of government to replace the family.
Their economy now a global beacon!
Are these women fighting to have mandatory Selective Service sign ups?
Fuck off bigot. Equality means everyone is open to criticism.
Na he is a total coward.
Commie language to complain about commies woah
Leftists like him don’t believe in free speech.