
I’m beginning to think most of modern history is a cycle of people voting in Republicans, who destroy the environment and workers’ protections, spend trillions, start wars, cut funding for vital government functions, then the voters figure out Republicans suck and vote in Dems to clean up the mess. Then the voters get

What does Johnny Manziel have to do with this?

I haven’t seen any evidence of her making choices or speaking her mind or offering an opinion not connected to the Donald. I’m not saying she isn’t a Stepford Wife, but I’m not prepared to say she ain’t either. There isn’t enough information to make any judgement about her at this point. I think we have to wait and

You have to give Trump credit for one thing, he’s the first President in history to unite the Nazis and the Russians. Not even FDR or Truman could pull that off

Sweet - more boxing coverage!

There is a non-zero chance Kellyann Conway is an actual succubus.

For some reason, when you work for high-profile anti-LGBTQ politicians (and Cheetolini’s personal opinions don’t count, he’s letting Pence run things), it’s difficult to find talented hair, make-up, and fashion advisors.

I’m assuming Trump died of a heart attack halfway into his Nov 9th “concession” turned tirade.

I hear wounds from a Morgul blade never really heal.

I heard that Richard Spencer is pissed that she wasn’t there to protect him too.

The new’s networks ratings are down and everything is boringly sane and normal?

Alternative fact: Kellyanne Conway is Ben Carson and the knife is Ron Popeil.

This is a crazy time stream we’re in. I wonder what’s happening in the reality that has Hillary as POTUS.

True fact: Kellyanne Conway was the knife he used to stab the guy.

Interesting that she skipped Nixon, because she really sounds like his kind of gal.

Came here to say this. That’s... quite a trajectory. A distillation, really. Take anything that was coherent and sensical about Goldwater, boil it away, and you’re reduced to Reagan. Take that and spin it down, and you’ve got a hard lump of stupid named George W. Bush. Take that and burn it in a crucible, and you’ve

They actually represent a pretty direct lineage.

I think you maybe missed the point of her op-ed which was, succinctly, that she has chosen to embrace an ignorant, self-obsessed charlatan of a political figure because someone threw an egg at her once.

a Goldwater-Reagan-George W. Bush girl

It seems hypocritical to keep referring to it as an egg and not a chicken.