
No it doesn’t. Notice how the article points out (and the comment section largely reiterates) the outrage this is causing?

This is similar to the controversy surrounding that lawmaker who said “birthing people”. It’s not really a thing one person/group did/said something stupid with the best of intentions and were

Yeah that was the part that stuck out to me. I’m not concerned if they change some adjectives or make things less gender specific but removing mentions of major authors in English literature seems a bit much. I don’t believe Matilda set off to conquer Africa or India after reading those two authors.

Although this is far from new. I have some of my father’s Hardy Boys books from the 1930s-1940s when he was a kid. Even when I was reading the series in the 1970s-1980s, and reading a mixture the old and recently published versions I realized that changes had been made. And I’m sure that by today’s standards even

“If you run into an asshole in the morning, you ran into an asshole.
If you run into assholes all day, you’re the asshole.” -Raylan Givens, Justified

While we’re doing redemption tours, they should bring Mel Gibson on for a Channukah special.

Clayface you may know from Batman: The Animated Series” the extremely popular Harley Quinn cartoon series that’s airing in the present day Christ why does it feel like nobody at the AVClub has any sense of the media landscape any more?

I want Emily VanDerWerff/St. James back. And TV Club Classic. And just... something

I don’t think he does. He is a likable enough action star that he’ll get plenty of opportunities to make other movies if he decides to stop being Thor. He was good as the villain in El Royale as well so I’m sure he could take more roles against type too. And he surely has enough money from his Marvel movies thus far

How are you out of the grays?

So I cancelled Netflix today.

I liked young Konstantin imitating his real-life dad’s distinctive laugh

Do we really have to rehash why unauthorized biographies, documentaries, etc. exist, and are typically superior in their ability to present unbiased accounts?

Will we see 6-drink Amy?

Saying he thinks the entire cast is underpaid is not “speaking for them.” That’s an opinion on industry practices; he’s not directly commenting on the other castmembers’ decisions to sign on (at least not here), and while there is room to infer, it’s still much more inference than implication. Your comment comes

Sure he does. People take way less than their labor is actually worth all the time, it’s one of the big issues of our time and part of the whole minimum wage conversation. It’s not insulting to say that they should be paid more, it’s insulting that they don’t get paid fair wages from the jump, even if they’re

I don’t really get this point - there are lots of people who are great at their jobs and have a ton of experience who accept underpaying jobs. And there’s a lot of reasons why that may be the case - maybe they don’t know what they’re really worth, maybe they do but are happy with the status quo, maybe they value perks

I think what he may be getting at is that no one from Futurama is making anywhere close to Simpsons voice-over coin.

Multiple fine endings! I’m as big a fan of the show as anyone, but I just can’t see another revival going well, even if they could get DiMaggio back. It hit a few high points in the last revival but was mostly mediocre and that’s probably the absolute best case scenario for this one.

Things should be allowed to end.
Futurama had a fine ending.  Time to just let it rest.

I can see that, but I make a distinction between shock TV and something with the veneer of authenticity.

I never would’ve known she existed if not for this site and it certainly doesn’t take a genius to figure out that 99% of her appeal is that she’s hot. Plain and simple. Nothing I’ve read in any of these articles about her has made it seem like she has any interesting talent(s) worth spending hours of time watching her