
I’d write it, but you wouldn’t read it.

I read the whole thing.

Once they started to talk about original circulation numbers... I was like whelp not sure what the point is now but it’s taking too long to get there...

I gave up when I got to the photoshoot in Monte Carlo... it seemed off topic. After scrolling up I realized that a read most of it... so I still want my brownie point!

This is a very niche article. I can’t muster up enough fucks to read 6500 words on the editor of a magazine.

I tried but damn what a tedious ride.

I can't believe I read the whole thing

Yea holy crap tl:dr

I swear I skimmed it all.

Wasted half my lunch hour on this. It was interesting, but who the hell wants to read that many words about Maxim? What was I thinking? Why do I constantly sabotage my own life??????

I liked the chunks of it I read it but it was just too much info about a magazine I read never. Neither in its heyday nor during Kate L.’s tenure described in excruciating detail above.

Can you clarify what you mean by “will never reap the benefits”. Did you not go to school, use roads, have police and fire safety, etc., ad nauseum