
I’m hoping they are just getting it out of their system before the great Univision purge on Nov. 9th.

Is this more of that locker room talk I been hearin all about?

Um, it’s happening now and Obama is the president. How does he get a pass?

You have to use the google translator, but instead of translating English to Spanish or German, you use liberal.

Probably because only liberals would think to sell out their entire family for a few bucks over politics. But you do you!

It’s funnier if you wait til after their edit window closes.

LOL. Well using Jesse Jackson as a measuring stick, at least I can now disregard everything else you said.

You can hear back to the 90's?

Who the hell spells chocolate with a z??

I wouldn’t think Kaepernick would stand for this.

JFC you people are fucking rediculous. The first paragraph is ONE sentence stating who she is and what she does. And the title is correct, they still don’t know if it was suicide or homicide...just “fatally shot”. Only in your head does that imply foul play. How do you function on a daily basis with so much paranoia.

You’re arguing two different points and saying two things I never said. Yes it could be homicide. Yes Rose COULD be involved. What I said was that the article never implied Rose had anything to do with her death. You are obviously one of the hysterical dimwits I was talking about.

Um no. Only a paranoid hysterical dimwit could read this article and come away thinking they implied Rose had anything to do with it.

Great! I just rolled my eyes out. You owe me new eyes since I can’t find mine because they rolled out.

That was definatly the cooty graw to his cam pain

Why the actual fuck would he pardon a traitor? Do you know what treason is? Go look it up dummy.

That’s some bullshit right there. A cat that’s better off than me. fml

Oh believe me, as whiney as that mother fucker is you have heard eeeeverything.

I think it was more of a punishment for being the biggest drama queen on the planet.

What are you, 12?