
This is 2016's “dog ate my homework”.

Paps waiting for me at the gym every day.

Pussy? Why are you a woman hating sexist?

So you are easily swayed by internet commenters? LOLOL

I’m glad you used how Hillary got the nomination as an example, but it’s weird you didn’t just come out and say her name.


I thought she was into men?

That was our justice system at work. Justice WAS served. Don't hate the player....

I can tell by your user name that you don't belong on gawker!

So you don’t find anything strange in the fact this site goes apeshit over every other mass shooting in the US and not a peep about this one? Nothing weird about that? Nothing? You’re being dense.

Yeah this is crazy. Dude pulls a gun. It also crazy that there was another mass shooting in Florida with 18 victims and not one story about it on this site. Huh weird.

am or bm?

Trump has a deal with Twitter so he can tweet bigly.

At least if he goes to jail he won't have student loans? There, see? Silver linings

What are you, 12?

Give me a fuckin break. You chicken littles screeching the sky is falling is just rediculous.

I legit lol’d.

Comparing yourself to your grandparents fleeing nazi Germany is a fucking joke. Get the fuck outta here with that dumb shit.

You don't think the governor might have a little more info than they are releasing?

You mean really judgemental people that think everyone should think just like they do?