
LOL. The right thing to do?? Really?

I don't have to! They're legal and fun!

We both know I’m not going to change your mind. You’re too simple minded to imagine a world other than your scary little universe where there are scary black guns everywhere waiting to mow you down at any moment.

Tiny dick joke! Zing! Good one. You obviously have the liberal lame comeback handbook in front of you. Sad

Wrong. The ar-15 was designed by the ArmaLite Corp. ArmaLite rifle design 15....get it?

So it sounds like you wouldn’t move there if they paid you, yet you want to shove these imigrants you don't want to deal with there. Bashing square pegs into round!

Ok so....Stop it, she wasn’t raped/touched that much? This doesn’t sound a lot better than the original story.

That's not their sole purpose. Educate yourself somewhere besides Gawker.

Good luck with that, Chief.

It doesn't mention here but I read it somewhere else and the pic was tandem.

Which are less than 2% of all gun deaths.

I thought Clark knocked that shit down back in the 80's.

haha jump to conclusions much?? I know a lot about guns. And I didn't say there weren't any differences. I just wonder why the big black one makes you want your mommy.

I agree with that but be honest, the whole argument over the last week has been over these “assault rifles”

I don’t have any guns. I just wonder why you people whine so much about certain guns. Is it because they’re scary looking? Handguns kill like 15 times more people than rifles.

Why does that gun scare you so much?

You do realize these rifles account for a very small percentage of overall gun deaths?

Good luck with that, Tiger!

LOL you must be white AF

WAIT.......she has a hairstylist.??