
Swell, I have two options in my area - one that likes to keep jacking up their prices every few years (Cablevision) and one that is notoriously terrible according to friends & neighbors (Frontier).

Composing an email now:

“Trump’s tiny rat hair covered mind” - I will be giggling about this one all day.

Or “Save Water”. :)

Does that mean that Wario’s are inverted?

“Under the weather” now equals “going to federal prison”?

This needs to go on all day.

Maybe if he had saved that 29 mil from the Mar-a-lago trips and put it towards some refurbishments... Then again, $200 worth of gold spray paint would do the trick.

True, but Los Angeles traffic is hellish to begin with. Sticking it to California on purpose, perhaps? ;-)

Oh God yes. Didn’t miss Boomer at all.

Well there goes my day.


I can buy into this theory - one could also argue that the magnitude & responsibility of the job he took on would cause a person of average intelligence to become slightly scattered as they tried to keep everything in order. I know I get a bit out of sorts on my busier days, and I don’t have the entire free world

I’m imagining a series of crayon-drawn pictograms that explain what he has to talk about. This one is from his speech on coal jobs, for example.

Exactly what crossed my mind. Brilliant episode, as were all of them. :)

So how does the PS4 do with USB-only powered drives? PS3 would always lose track of my Seagate during backup operations and eventually I had to swap it out for a wall-powered model...

Atari 2600/Colecovision - early childhood.

Fair enough, but if they’re already asking us to upgrade to a new system that isn’t backwards compatible with any of the games from the last two consoles. Must they take away our VC titles too? Am I to be simply milking cows for months on end while I wait for the next Mario title?

Good points. Almost got suckered in again, thanks for the reminder. ;-)