
Don’t forget Mike Tyson or Don King.

And he acted like he was JUST given those numbers before he walked out.

Thank you so much for writing this - I’ve said many times to my wife that she frustrates me just a tiny bit more than POTUS, because you’d almost expect better.

Michael Buffer available? LLLLLETTT’S GET RRRR.... (you get it)

Eh, I’m ok with it - “I find your lack of faith disturbing” was along the same lines in Ep. 4...

The capital ship could have done the intercepting, then the Alliance soldier would have boarded the Tantive IV with the data card...

Have you *seen* the interior of any the rebel bases thus far? What sort of budget do you think these guys have for fitted helmets?

Man that’s a lot of booze. Did all evil 80's executives have an extraordinary amount of booze?

Definitely a bit of “Oh shit” in those eyes right now. That’s good - maybe he’ll take it seriously.

Collins was actually hurt the play before (per Cowboys beat reporters)...

Initial impressions are that it has a great ‘retro’ feel, and by ‘retro’ I mean that it sounds and acts much like the original MOH and COD games that made me fall in love with military FPS in the first place.

Who runs Bartertown?

Speaking of Police Academy, is that Commandant Lassard’s picture on the wall?

“Possiblie” - hunh, that’s the first time anything has gone wrong...

Holy crap, the A-Team were testers at SEGA?


Now if someone could make little tiny versions of the Fallout 4 comic books, I’d have something to put next to my Funk Pop armor figure... :)

This sounds exactly like when I got a PT-1 Casio for Christmas as a kid back in the 80's and I just started pounding on the keys trying to play what I thought was a ‘song’...

My ideal scene? Leia hugs Chewie, but then notices Rey getting off the Falcon, looking rather distraught. Chewie looks back at her too, gives Leia a little “She’s cool” sort of grunt and she either lets go of Chewie to embrace Rey or we get a group hug. :)

Insane profits because it came out at Christmas? Call me crazy, but they could have released in March and it would still have shattered records...