
Finally got around to buying “Dead Cells”, so that.  Need a way to get that electric whip earlier...  :)

Fan’s account of getting the baseball:

As someone mentioned, subtitles aren’t always an exact science. The music and environmental sound was overpowering any dialogue in that moment anyway, so IMO it was hard to tell what he was doing.

Agreed - how it didn’t even crack the top 30 is a travesty...  

Agreed - how it didn’t even crack the top 30 is a travesty...  

Keep expanding the Spider-verse.  Get Venom in there, Punisher, Sinister Six, etc.  

I always put “President Trump” in quotes as well.  

FWIW, here in CT the new governor just helped pass a bill to get gov’t workers interest-free loans up to 3 months:

Not necessarily - they could have just assumed he was dead (see the Banner scene where he’s looking at Lang’s image) and so to have him turn up at the front gate might be somewhat dumbfounding.  

He also claimed that many celebrities who have spoken out against his administration end up “get[tting] in that booth, they look around, and they press that Trump sticker,” which raises the question of whether the President of the United States actually knows how voting works.”

Future campaign ad:

“7. Don’t offer opinions if you’re not sure of the facts.”

“Neighborhood watch” obviously means different things to different types of people. Glad the kid is okay - what a potential horror show.

I can’t be the only one who posted this:

Cobra-La! (rushes off to create a Golobulus/Steve Bannon mashup)

Well for one thing I don’t need a nap after a slice.

Multiplayer - nothing besides Rocket League for me lately. Short, timed matches are essential.

TLDDR: “Too Long, Donald Didn’t Read”

Whoa, they *were* thinking about the future. Well played, Repubs.

6 and 10 made me chortle.

Love how Kim K. can turn pumping gas into some sort of glamour shot. Most of us look like Conan - some sort of transient that actually lives in their vehicle and sustains themselves on Circle K burritos.