
Yup, everything in this article is spot on. Its like everyone forgets how GSW are always up 20 on every other team and just pounding them into the ground. Add in, they are better without KD narrative that lasted a few weeks. Oh and that record without KD. Fuck the injury bullshit excuses. They had that team on the

and look at that fucking guys face. Again, its always the ugly guys who need to sexually harass. Unless youre into grape ape of course

That is good. I have a bag of skinny pop, bag of doritos, oreos, those gross orange peanut butter crackers, a granola bar, 2 snack size candy bags I stole from my kid (skittles and swedish fish) and finally, my fave, bag of pretzels. Big bag, I dont mess around with my pretzels. New brand called splitz are amazing. I

We used to have neighborhood dogs growing up and it was great. Everyone knew the dogs name, who owned it and nobody cared that it wandered the streets. I was just thinking the other day how that kinda doesnt exist anymore. People are way too uptight and fucking dog owners are number 1 on that list

Yup, totally agree. I had many meltdowns during those Bush years assuming it was peak political shitstorm era. Boy was I wrong. Well, we dont have the wars.....yet. The deregulation is on steroids and I guess cons were at least defending policy. Defending Trump, the person, is actually an entirely different kind of

and if we did a tally, the lunatics on the right would be wayyyy ahead. Now you even see people trying to plant that a shooter was lefty way before anyone knows. That or it was actually the FBI or CIA and was a deep conspiracy. They have turned projection into an art form. I mean it now comes right from that petty

If you want to be in the game, you have to play to some degree. Im trying to figure out this purity someone/anyone is looking for in any candidate. Seems delusional when the giant dark money and payoffs are happening to such a large degree everywhere else. Reminds me of the anti Occupy Wall Street bullshit, if the

great pics, thanks

I thought that was the scariest part, when they explained in the first or second episode the vastness and how far the radiation spreads. As awful as ep 4 was with the pets, that information was crazy to me. What are they hiding about Fukushima.

You make a fair point that they seem to always be the ones to push the envelope. Thats not just in the justice department either, its fucking everywhere. Every nook of established political rule, they bend and break in order to get their way while the dems sit back and react instead of doing the same. No wonder they

what in the hell is this. I dont think the ball matters lol

Seriously loved Super Off Road and Super Sprint. If you had a buddy that was just as good, the races against each other were epic. Something about spinning that wheel like a madman. I never realized til much later that a lot of people liked these games, they always seemed to be available when I played so I thought I

Thats why a Nuggets/GS series would have been so much better. Would have loved watching them try to defend Joker. Oh well, GS in 4 or 5 again, borrringggg

Yup, Im all for trading Ben if you get some decent return. If this team had a competent point guard they would be so much better. TJ McConnell coming off the bench, oof

Yes, because any old team can just cobble together some stars and make a run. You need at least a core built through draft and FA, then maybe, only maybe, can you hope to trade for a superstar or hope one of your picks turns into one. There is no magic formula ffs. The fact that fans still bemoan the process or even

Thank you. This fact is lost on so many, its comical at this point. Tanking is part of this sport. The amount of spin on how and where picks are taken is making me dizzy in this thread. Whats also laughable, Kawhi, a superstar top 3 player is the reason they won. Not a whole lot more. Once again, it comes down to the

I still dont trust GPS all the time because I was scarred. Early days I was headed to the beach for my wedding and my brother demands he follow the GPS. I knew it was wrong from the get go. It was taking us straight through the city because that was the straightest direction. Remember those days. So instead of taking

Maybe Carmax and AutoNation as a model for sales but no way Im ever buying from those places. All the used cars are 90% fleet and rentals, their prices flat out suck. Any basic research online and you soon realize you would pay like 2k more from them. Not worth it, just got my car from a smaller specialized dealer. I

as mentioned in above comments, the family didnt want her to testify is probably why and relive any more trauma. I still would try to have counselors available etc to get through it, maybe could be therapeutic and some closure if they put this scum away but who knows. I cant pretend to understand what that entails

my 8 year old does this now. However, if the person they are calling fat, was never fat when young but maybe gained a bit with age, I dont think it hurts much, if at all. It just doesnt have the same sting as the fat kid with a stigma that might still be overweight as an adult.