
they accounted for that in the article. You are both still assholes. People are not making enough, all the money is funneling up for far too long. Not good. Wages arent keeping up, this isnt hard. I do fine myself but expect better for my country. Its not too much to ask for a better living wage. When the middle class

only problem with this is the one being slapped should have been dad. Always and forever. I dont advocate violence but it would have saved a lot of headaches if someone put ole punk ass Trump in his place, once in his life. We all know that never happened, he is the weak bully personified. 

Its a fucking joke, listen to season 3 of the Serial podcast. Part of it covers this. Discipline on judges is nil. They can also just be suspended or leave of absence for a bit and come back in good standing. Thats another form of ‘punishment’. Sort of like voting on judges, nobody pays attention. 

This is amazing...’They took an opiate of the masses and turned it into heroin.’

except Luis is a Scientologist. Fuck Luis. 

Yes, Seger rocks. Also, look up his history. My man was all over the place in his early years. I think he hung out with folk singers etc which you wouldnt think. Maybe someone else can expand on that. He has some good history and some great songs, isnt that enough. I hated Bruce for a long time as a kid because

Also, cant use a phone for internet porn pfffft. Shit punk, Im 48 and I went from Commodore 64, if/then goto through building PCs to working with computers in just about every job last 25 years. A browser? Does he think social media is complicated. And yes, still going strong. I do now notice waves though, spring time

GOP is never too tired to protect the party

I hated that call also, momentum pushes the ball out from the dribbler. That should always be out on the defender unless its extended beyond the normal poke. So pretty obvious it stayed on offensive players hand too long or hit a second time etc. Bad call and at a crucial time and I also didnt care who won but was

did we all forget, Giannis has a few more years of experience. That matters. 

deep down you know that 79 is an 86. So I never can even kid myself that way. Well, I should say, after enough years of playing and not taking mulligans once a 9. If I have to qualify my score, it never feels right. Thats where Trumps grandiose cheating makes no sense to me. Not fooling anyone and to give yourself a

came here to say this

Well yes, something about American Indian in her blood blah blah. That will win the day regardless of how dumb it is

I would never let that shit end if my parents voted and still now stuck up for that asshole. I wouldnt let dinner end until they essentially admitted they admire a complete narcissistic, bully, asshole. And if thats the hill they want to make their stand, fine but fucking disgusting and they would never hear the end

Just no. Let the guy try to get a no hitter. This is the lamest shit ever

Yup, this is how he operates. The fact that he is going to get away with it in Govt is just repulsive. Welp, this is the new ‘no accountability’ age we live in. My group of lawyers is better than yours wins the day. 

damn right AWD, I just said that above. Seems like lots of models are adding that option but still not enough. Once you rule out CVT and then cars that are FWD, you arent left with a lot of choices in any kind of sports sedan/wagon. 

CVT, yuck. As for his last question. AWD, I live in CO. That seriously limited my choices a few years ago. It seems like they are adding that to a lot of cars lately, its spreading. 

and sorry, this is total bullshit...

He hasnt seen a consequence in his whole life. Con man from the jump