
scorching hot. Is that why rookies drafted high can end up lost on the field and out of the league in short order...because its so easy and just “random”. I mean by that account, VY would have been an entrenched starter on one of his other stops and on his way to Canton

the mom should bring the two kids over and knock on his door, ask him nicely to apologize and film it. See what he says. They would probably have a conversation and be done with it. If hes an ass, you share it with the world.

good point. I think the religious metaphor was best he could come up with (as it is somewhat applicable) to the both sides do it argument. So if we go down that path, those arguments tend to not hold up very well. Maybe a better point is that the fringes jump on any slight injustice and take it to levels it doesnt

so instead lets send all the money into the politicians friends pockets. Private military contractors etc etc because that seems to be the alternative last 20 plus years. People who vote for that are the same ones complaining about Cronyism in 08 and put in a business man who will just siphon as must of the top as he

yup, I end up in this same place in so many political arguments or discussions. You cant continually make govt fail and one party is dead set on doing that every run. It just increases the cronyism and funnels the money away from useful govt. Its an age old argument and that govt is terrible at everything. The

the world doesnt deal in absolutes. Thats just another slippery slope argument. Same one going on while the ACA was going through

right and how dare he, there is no room for heart in fighting

big difference is that the guy you dealt with was driving like a complete ass and too fast for reaction times. We have all seen many bad motorcycle riders all too often. Not sure the guy in the video is same situation at all, he got cut off and then the asshole that cuts him off is yelling at him so fuck the guy in

Boom, perfect and absolutely on point. Whatever the fuck response that was, was utter bullshit. “inflexible ideologue” Give me a break, this is the pot calling the kettle because they are keeping their head in the sand. Books have been written from centrists and established, veteran political insiders about the

This is stupid.... on multiple fronts and driveways

No way, those guys were so past their prime at that point. No way does anyone with any NBA knowledge, let alone actual NBA people make that move as anything more than a publicity, maybe get a few more wins to put asses in the seats move. They shouldnt have made that trade at all, not protected the picks. It was one of

nope, only you and a few thousand UW fans. Highlights look amazing though lol. He has length, size, athleticism and can score from all 3 levels is why. Lot of projection there

its a fair knock and Ben Simmons has similar past. Counterpoint to that is that Fultz played really well on the natl team or whatever it was with other great players. I agree on Fox completely, lot to like

but there were so many pro Fultz articles coming out of Boston until just a week or so ago. What happened lol. No I agree, what you say makes sense in terms of building that team, just a tough spot with IT. Fans will get over it once he gets his FA and its probably Hayward

Absolutely, hes a great GM imo. However, I will not give him credit for the Nets deal. That was a franchise in need of names to open a brand new team in NY. That was nothing but a publicity move from the Nets standpoint. A horrible one no less but Billy King being on the other side of that deal is another reason.

would have lost to Bulls if Rondo doesnt go down, lest we forget lol. Ya, this makes sense and I like IT as a sixers fan. He will still have a few years of trying to get through if they keep him but its a risky move. I unfortunately have more faith in Ainge than Celtics fans. He knows this and I think he will make the

I mean this comparing players to current players thing gets so tiring. You know how many names Ive heard Fultz compared to that arent favorable. Im sure they were calling Dwayne Wade a poor mans Byron Scott or something prior to his draft. You just dont know. I get it though

This will all be forgotten when Ainge uses the picks to get his FA. A Butler or wait, cmon, we know its Hayward right. As a sixers fan I think its fine what hes doing from their perspective. If he doesnt love Fultz why NOT get the extra pick. Both teams can win in this trade is really the truth but we wont know for

told my kid he could have a dog when he turns 8. Now I read comment sections and think, nah maybe not. Fucking dog owners are insufferable fucks about every fucking detail. Lots of times when on leash you are forced to walk past others walking dogs. Dogs know when a leashed dog is not friendly and it usually is known

Finding Neverland was excellent. Only thing hes done of substance in decade plus.