
lol, it tells me nothing because serial killers are not killing because of ideology.

As with everyone on TV, they are both hot

The descent was a really good horror movie. I thought and assumed it would be dumb and bad based on the trailer but was pleasantly surprised. The tension in the movie was great vs the mosters or whatever they were and yes, the tight spots in the caves. This all sounds terrifying. Hopefully they were prepared with good

the divide is just completely unhinged at this point. I sometimes mosey into a tweet thread from some conservative pov and its scary in there. People have lost their minds. I used to laugh at how they acted post Dan Rather Bush story, it was as if they couldnt bring themselves to even watch or read certain content. It

They just need to be dicks....for once and stay consistent. We have seen shades of it but never enough. Dont play nice. And I dont mean talk down to people. Just tell them the asshole they voted for is an asshole and here is why. He is fucking everything up royally and here is why. That is different than the election,

this is a dumb take. If anyone needs to have the perfect representative for any movement to have merit you will waste a lot of time waiting.

Of course Govt the foundation because without govt you cant have cronyism but it doesnt undermine it, it is there to regulate. When you let government work it can actually do that effectively and has. When you drown govt and force it to fail is when the cronyism, as we are seeing, runs amok. Also, the GOP didnt want

and it was wall st, a lot of wall st bundling that caused the actual crash. It was all of these things and people who want to make a political point pick theirs.

holy shit this thread is the joke I made above. It still hasnt ended lol. And lets all conveniently ignore the securities packaging that wall st royally fucked everything up with and had zero consequences from because ya know, deregulation is always so great something, something

and remember, it was the people buying houses they couldnt afford. It was all their fault last time, let me repeat, ALL their fault. Never mind all the other factors. They find a way to blame everyone else. Always been the big business party, always, which is automatically a paved road to global interests/economy.

never underestimate a TV channels willingness to take the low road for ratings. Recent death, get whatever we have on ASAP and act like we care with a :10 tribute slate, sell it folks, sell it

I agree with this, there were some decent contenders but once he beat them (often twice) it ran out of steam. That still doesnt discount how they are treating him based on his letter. That was pretty interesting inside look at how that stuff goes down. I think he makes a good case on that end.

Indeed they are goto reading daily for me. Same boat with the monkey scene. Up to right now I believed it was real lol, great interview. I rented all these on vhs as a kid.

no you stop that, you cant be clear. It MUST be one or the other on the internet, there can never be nuance

I always thought that til I saw the local regions on the map of what Obama won vs Trump in this last election. Of course a lot of that is just lack of voter turnout so ya, who am I kidding

I guess you will always find that but if you dig deeper, the right owns the herd mentality, absolutely owns it. You could find plenty of dissent on the left on the spying topic under Obama, plenty of scorn on NAFTA on the left going back and certainly lots of hate for the drones under Obama also. The right threw all

oh they just use that as a political wedge tool like everything else. Nobody buys their bullshit Christianity

this false equivalence again. Not that what you said isnt accurate but lets not pretend there is no difference between the parties. There is plenty to distinguish, its certainly not so black n white that you can dismiss it all under a handful of similarities.

Gotcha, yes absolutely

sort of, it can be easy to adjust your hands and speed once you are at a certain level of play. A shorter backswing is not bullshit at all, it can help immensly and you can still get distance because the accuracy will improve and less movement at the top. I just meant to say a lot of the things amateurs hear is hard