
its tough, took me a long time and people need to practice this really to get it. Need to learn an open swing with open face and open stance. At least it works for me that way all the time. Swing from away from your body and across left leg if your a rightie, so outside/inside. Same swing to do what Phil does with

no doubt. I used to get really angry and throw clubs when I was younger. I just got to a point where I wasnt practicing or playing enough to improve. Now I score around the same every time anyway and just have fun. I really love when I hit a bird or a really long putt or chip in. Makes my day/round.

ummm, not really if you want to play properly and get the most out of your clubs. Driver is flat swing, wedge is rounded/vertical swing. I get what youre saying about less clubs though and my uncle could run a 7 iron up to and on greens like nobodys business and shot in the 70s in his 70s. I cant break 80 still but

you kidding, most cant even get the grip right. Also, I used to hear all these things when I was learning and theyd go over my head. Shoulder turns, dips, hand position. I think people starting should just learn how to hit on a flatter swing plain and start with a much shorter backswing. That changed my whole game.

can someone explain how he got out of the car. Thats a doozy of a first step

lol, you arent joking. The whole drowning it in the bathtub thing is what is so inherently wrong and doomed to fail everyone. Sorry, govt is not going anywhere so forcing it to fail is a recipe for disaster. The closest I have seen to l/r agreeing was actually after 2008 crash. Even the right was largely admitting

Donnie wishes he could handle the press like this guy does

and she backed up MJ and Prince. I just learned that in a Dan Rather interview recently, amazing. She paid her dues, the Kid Rock thing though, cmon Sheryl

I can only say that in terms of foreign affairs I would hope the successor would be more sane than Trump and not fawn over dictators. The rest is normal awful repub policy. I get it, the middle east wars etc and those fears dont go away. However, Dump is a special kind of scary crazy in that realm.

you pull him off your friend and then your friend commences the beating with the cheap advantage because he will have his rage going unless hes knocked silly

yes, yes, thank you for this. I havent laughed this hard in a while

yall are missing the point. Eat the best thing first while its at optimum temp. Also your stomach is not full yet either so always eat the best thing first, mostly of course (you probably ate too much free bread). The side dishes are for changing up the palette, its why I have to have chips with a sandwich.

Just feel like using this article to say, my network just showed us a show we shot in 4k on a 4k projector. I didnt like it at all. The greens and reds were so enhanced it looked treated. Real life doesnt look like that, I was not impressed. Film will always have its place.

TJ, Cov and Holmes are coming along. Brett Brown still has a job because of developing players. He heasnt had much of a chance yet to coach an actual team with NBA players. This process is longgggg lol

ya, I will never get that. No reason to bash a successful team when the Sixers havent done squat yet. Im fine with the process or was, but at some point it has to translate. I mean, the building blocks of Embiid and Simmons are hopefully a start but why bash a good team to try to justify anything. I think most of us

oh there will be plenty of blame if you are ever on any philly websites discussing sixers. Its still split 50/50 with heated discussions, this thing aint ending soon. I used to joke it would be a decade of talking about the guy. I no longer think its a joke

no way 8-2 but I get it. As a fan, I much prefer the striker and her style and 5 rounders determine champs for a reason.

try to remember, generations prior also lived through what they thought was impending doom many times over. The app headspace was a delight for me and I cant recommend it enough. I tell people to try meditation but its in one ear out the other. I was always curious about it and this just walks you through little 10

Interpol has like 4 decent songs and Strokes have 6 or 7 so The Strokes edge this one out

I had my first anxiety attack at 46 years old so it can build up and catch people by surprise even at older ages. I had no idea it was going on and agree with the physical part. I spent 10 years self diagnosing what I only recently realized a year or so ago was migraines. I thought I had everything from mild