
this made me lol. Wheres that link to that great cleveland song that ends with but at least were not detroit.

Nah, the problem is alcoholism the “disease” has an element of free will that people want to conveniently ignore. That doesnt make it any less serious than it is, just that its an out esp for judging others and employment. Tie that up with all the levels of alcoholism and the degree to which someone can function and

Wrong, give Oak some time hes fine. Stupid to judge and mitigate even at this stage. Guy is going to be good, excellent feet and creates for himself like very few young guys. Go look up the stats compared to the other rookies in terms of assists, hes getting no help and producing more than Zingas and KAT. Noel is

come talk to me at draft time. He also has the swapped pick and a few other a few years ahead of that even. Add in that 19 yr olds are drafted and all the young teams will take years to develop on top of the tanking. Whats also funny is they werent even the worst team the last few years lol, but that doesnt matter.

The assets hes acquired are legit. As for the picks, they will always be scrutinized and thats all fair game along with the other moves. Those have not been good either as evidenced by the team we are seeing. Its just funny to me that fans will get up in arms and its mostly spurred on by the current losing but not

my best friends are from high school, best times were college

Myself and two friends cut middle school every Monday for a few months. Well, of course we get busted and have to have a paper signed by our parents. My friend gets his signed by his dad half asleep who doesnt even read it. I forge mine only to get busted later. Funny part was, we were home writing choose your own

I had a good friend in middle school who moved and went to a different high school. We sort of stayed in touch enough to hang out a few times in the summer. He got heavy into drugs and psychedelics mostly. Got us to try it a few times. I think at that point I had tried it a handful of times, acid and mushrooms but not

haha nice, my parents found my handcuffs years later tucked away in a box somewhere. Only my first girlfriend and I did enjoy them. They laughed and were kind of amazed I think or perplexed might be a better adjective. I was a yute, late teens, early 20s maybe. Unfortunately no girlfriend or even my wife after has had

anyone who says that didnt have to live through the 80s

watch the behind the music for Sublime. Saddest thing in the world, Bradley went around telling everyone he was going to die because he knew he couldnt quit using. I think his parents tell that story and its heartbreaking. I read the way too long Keidis book. Its just him telling the story of addiction and rehab over

my only complaint was too many Johnny Football pics. Hes not responsible for decades of futility.

Wow, he so wasted in that last video clip holy crap. Hes staring off and can barely sing, oof. Nasty drug. Loved 2 of their albums, some good stuff. The born again lyrics on velvet revolver were just horrible

I really thought he was flopping a bit the first time I watched the replay but hes not. Hes actually ducking down and away from the other defender thats about to hit him, or turning his head out of the way which happens to be same direction of the tackler/face mask pull.

Podcasts are all about this very thing, and the ones that do it well are great. WTF, Sklarboro country etc. Sklars are terrible in stand up I think but fantastic in a radio setting. Funny, same can be said about Maron ha, maybe theres a reason they do podcasts

pretty sure that sentence is meant to say sometimes we go to a place (that doesnt have a pool) but is fancy and has other stuffs

oof, I watched one ep and gave up right away after hoping it would be good. Maybe I should have stuck it out longer, thought it was pretty weak

haha nice. So the party just ends for some folks at 22 eh, hmmmm, I dont believe them

interesting, all I cared about was what party I was going to the next night or following weekend. I think that lasted from about 16 - 30 plus.

love how they turn away right when the fight starts. Great shot of the bumper there