
I agree the Gronk play was a weak ass penalty. That being said, I was a bit annoyed at the announcers concerning the hold on DT in the endzone. That was legit. Sorry if they wanna call it everytime a defender tugs the jersey a bit, this is the same exact thing. I was dying for them to point that out instead of letting

why the fuck do the other cops never step in and say whoa, STOP!! after the first shot and try to get in there to cuff the guy. Of course not cross the line of fire but use your voice. I refuse to watch the video

I just did a recipe last night I found linked from the gawker sites. It was from the 7 myths of cast iron pans link. Roasted chicken in a cast iron pan, it turned out incredible.

I did it by accident one of my first few years of being on Turkey duty. Turned out great. Im still always hesitant to do it again though for some reason, maybe appearance. It does work though

youre pic is 100x more appetizing in appearance than the one they used in this article, what were they thinking. That thing looks horrible

Im just disappointed we are all ignoring the headset going out again on the opposing team on a final drive to tie the game....again. Note: only in close games is it needed

No mention here how the Bills headsets went out.....again. Notice they dont have to do it all the time, only when its a close game like....I dont know, the other team is driving for the tie score. Just because they dont handle those communications doesnt meant they cant interfere, just because other teams do it doesnt

the most fantastic thread Ive read on deadspin maybe...ever. I got it after I read it but wasnt quite sure, then realized he was trolling just a few more comments down. The fact that this is soooo long with several back n forths is just fantastic. Bravo!!!!

they sell those pay per views for like weeks after thats why. And they still arent cheap its ridiculous. I always wonder if anyone actually buys it a week later for $60 or whatever it is, always too much after the fact.

did you see Rhonda as a coach on TUF. It really didnt show well personality wise. I thought she seemed like a pretty awful person. It sort of made me understand why a lot of the people she fought always had bad words for her (although some of that is on them, if not most, I get that). Just not a very likeable person

youre exactly right in terms of mixing them. Unless youre a martini drinker it doesnt matter much except for bottom shelf. Hangover category is most important with the middle of the road bottles.

Stoli has always been tops for me but a lot has to do with price range. I also agree with the sentiments here that a lot of these are about equal in terms of flavor and Smirnoff shouldnt get bashed esp per price point. I always assumed there were two kinds of Vodka drinkers. Russian who do straight shots and the rest

Skyy and Absolut are horrible. Not sure how this list puts absolut all the way up there. Also, 3 Olives is far better than both of those for same price, way too low on this list.

he still couldnt get Mariotta from there, cmon. This Mariotta fantasy was never happening. Its true though, had he addressed QB in the draft and eventually pulled Foles for a rookie he wouldnt have near as much scrutiny. He would definitely have bought some time. Bradford is just terrible, no two ways about and now

zero room for error, will be funny when they lose to Miami his first game back. They thought that stellar O line would solve all problems. They shouldve stuck with Weeden, I bet they wouldve won a game. Ya, that

I get hating any fan for defending an abuser. I dont get all this hating the NFL forever stuff though. Seriously, how are those clothes or those veggies and fruit picked on the backs of slave labor. Or that iphone made in factories with nets to prevent suicides. Thats have a bit of context. The nfl will just be taken

If his next victim ends up dead, wonder how that money/payoff will feel then. I dont say that in a disgusted way, I cant begin to understand what going through something like that is like and the thought of your reputation being dragged through the trial process. Not victim blaming here, I just wonder sometimes the

I didnt like Babadook much and was looking forward to It Follows, damn you guys. Next youll tell me Goodnight Mommy was horrible

most teams would love to be a few lucky breaks into an undefeated season. I know what you mean, Im not a bronco fan but live in Denver so I hear it all on the radio. The packers D was good until it wasnt anymore. At least they showed some life this last game on offense. Maybe the ball control and run game will work

Ask hoop fans about officiating. This is just some beautiful Cowboy pain right here, more please