Pete BC

Tactical Taint wipe, manufactured on the moon. Also in Bend Oregon. Mostly Bend Oregon.

You need a really big shower. With two heads. Heh. Two heads.

This! Along with ninnies who haul their roller luggage down the gall darn street at three am. Right past my damn lawn! Well, the patch of grass in front of my building, but it’s mine!

Given you’re nic, I guess you’re an authority on the subject.

If you know the details of the story it’s not irrational to hate Carruth, it’s a fairly normal reaction. I would expect Saundra Adams to have a loathing for Carruth with the searing fire of hell, that she doesn’t is testament to the strength of her character and the love she has for her grandson. Carruth should just

Was it actually owned by actor Daniel Craig or just some dentist named Daniel Craig?

As a Vancouverite, I’d be very happy to see that frickin name come off the building. Mostly i’m concerned just being near it; it has always looked to me it has a noticeable lean. The bad kind of lean.

Does that f*ck actually eat fried chicken with a knife and fork? I hope the White House makes chef switches all the cooking oils to 100 % trans fat content.

I like Curry’s look half way through: ‘She’s taking this in an... interesting direction...’

Whatever floats your boat comrade.

It’s funny and it works because of the chemistry between the actors, but it’s a strain to think this would be a conversation between the characters, and it doesn’t really advance the plot: Thor had already played the part of Mr. Exposition by that point. Also Jeff Goldblum rocks.

I think HeeHaw cosplay covers it. And I’ll know it when I see it. Mostly starts with really really bad hair.

And glasses, earrings and don’t get me started on that dress. Just another rich person proving that money does not buy good taste.

Aren’t they all dead now though?

The amateur rule was ostensibly made to keep the ‘purity’ of sport; participants were supposed to competing for country and honour. The reality is it was designed to only allow the ‘proper’ sort people to compete. So no poor people or anyone who soiled themselves with physical labour. It was only dispensed with after

Let’s just admit the Olympics are just rotten to the core and money can buy everything.

McMorris is one tough mofo, he’s fractured his rib, pelvis, femur, and left arm. He’s broken his jaw, ruptured his spleen and a collapsed lung. A canker sore knocks me out.

The thing I just don’t understand: A woman who (in their minds) killed over a hundred people, did the Benghazi thing (yet to figure out the endgame on that one) has orchestrated a vast deep state conspiracy involving Justice, State departments, the FBI, NSA the CIA, (basically she controls the whole federal

I’m thinking it’s one more year. BB isn’t going out on a super bowl loss. Then McDaniels. I’m just bummed it looks like they aren’t promoting Flores to DC.

This is good news. No snark, just happy for the guy.