Pete BC

That’s not how to play keep-away.

True, but spiking the ball when you’re surrounded by five people is probably not a good idea. If that had hit one of the officials, there certainly would have been a flag. But the Le’Veon Bell approach to flopping doesn’t really work.

That’s a this needs a multiple star rating. The elevator pitch: Grammar Nerd makes language sexy... surprising, with sexy results.

Well... give a black guy a chair. That’s one of my ‘non-canon’ episodes.

Famous racist guy does racist things... and reminds everyone on a semi-regular basis. But because he did something heroic once... he deserves a pass. Every time. You shall not pass this time Mutherfuckr. (Canadian vowel shift) n’all.

Texans are a team that would be fun to watch next year; whole lotta talented starters coming back. Hopkins is fun cocky too; Mic’d u, he replied to a Cardinals coach telling him in warm up he was the best receiver in the game: ‘I know’.

He should sue, and get a check from the Czechs for checking.

“If Jon Gruden’s IQ were one point less, he’d be a plant.”

This is... statistically bogus. Actually just bogus. Trump is the worst person on the planet right now but 43 voters is not a large enough sample. Thats not even a single team roster. Also given the NFL is 70% black the white men number is around 12 people. Also straw poll. Also no sampling error. I could go on but

It was a spectacular catch, that’s all the reason you need to feature it. Nonetheless, Merry Christmas ya filthy animal!

Well that’s interesting. On wikileaks I always had the ‘why are they doing this’ suspicion. The what’s in it for them sort of thing; no obvious monetization, or a future one either. They gave everything away. Then, the Hillary thing that was obviously personal on both sides. Then... Assange throws his lot on Donald

I know how I would: not well.

I thing Flowers had his his hands on his he’d from what he heard, not what he saw. Aaaaand I shuddered just writing that.

The one and only time you want to see a booty pick.

His coda just before Miami kicked the winning field goal in the ‘Leon Lett’ Thanksgiving game: “it’s a tough night to digest much less masticate that turkey”

Stuff like this is why I love deadspin commenters. Sharon’s wig is groovy; what all the sixties hip Vulcan chicks were wearing. Dick is a total square, but that was a big part of his appeal. It was just earnest no-bullshit before no-bullshit was a thing. It sounded to me that he was always smiling while he spoke.

You’re both right; Heisenberg authored the principal:you can only know either the position or direction of a particle, not both. The dead un-dead kitty was a thought experiment regarding decay rate of a material (can’t remember what) that would release a cyaniade capsule. Since you can only know one aspect you

Except Mos Isley you could meet charming rogues like Han Solo; the casino, people like the Kardashians or Peter Thiel. The latter, in addition to being child slavers, they really are the worst sort of people.  

Nah, and I say this as a Pats fan, he’s still an asshole. But he doesn’t have any tolerance for bullshit.

I like happy styling Cam. Pouty Cam not so much, but dude has charisma and is ridiculously good looking.