all the assholes making corny puns here are gross. shut the fuck up.
all the assholes making corny puns here are gross. shut the fuck up.
Switch the murderer to the murdered, and the murdered to the murderer - and none of these jokes would be occurring right now.
He got 2 classics in Old School and the Hangover
I enjoyed it too. I have to concede that Joaquin Phoenix was really engaging. I thought Joker jumped the shark with Catalano, but was pleasantly surprised.
This is a bad take. Old School is hilarious. Same with Road Trip. A lot of people loved Borat (I did not), and Due Date is pretty good.
I loved it....
The fact that Eve and especially Missy Elliott never won in the Best Rap Album category and Cardi B did is a travesty. Cardi B is a shit rapper and an even shittier person.
Yeah, but you know who else is all of those things you listed but DIDN’T already win in another category? Janelle Monae. She was the only other person who could say that
So many dumb dudes giving hot takes and Ariana being a undercover hater just like her bff Nicki. I am so fucking happy for Cardi. It feels amazing to see someone from your culture, and your borough win something that big. The album was truly a sensation. I’m also happy my country queen Kasey won! Woo. Year of the…
I know AngeryTwitter - kind of redunant, I know - is going to be pissed that Kasey Musgraves won top prize, but I ain’t even mad. Talented, the opposite of a horrible person, speaks to the times and all times...I’ve seen much less deserving folks win it.
And Keanu really deserves your adoration because he is the best.
My new theory is that there is no such person as Frida Garza. ‘Frida Garza’ is Jezebel’s version of Alan Smithee — it is used when a take is such garbage that the real writer wants to remain anonymous.
Is this one of those articles that’s parodying an article on another site? I never get those at first. Or ever, in this case.
Nah, his best movies have been Nightcrawler, End of Watch, Source Code, and Brokeback Mountain.
What did he do to deserve rest after molesting children?
This hit me right in the center of my chest, man. Great article.
I still can’t listen to the record and was putting off listening to the tiny desk until i had a free moment. After He died for some reason it just seemed too hard to listen to a talent that could be. I think it just brings to light all the lives lost through suicide and addiction that are also too hard to look at,…
Not only is 29 too young to die, but 21 is too young to grapple with mortality after witnessing the violent death of a loved one. I don’t know what the right age is, But 21 isn’t it. I’m sorry to you and your family that happened.
👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾 great article Panama.