
That’s what’s so crazy to me.  Of all the people I’ve ever known who had parents from Latin American or background from there, I’ve never met a one whose children didn’t speak English.  Not one.  Like, the only person who continues to share this opinion is someone who has no connection with any Latinos.

I grew up in El Paso (right across the border). I do not know of ANY first generation Americans that do not speak English. None. Yes, they also spoke Spanish (me included), but to say “... make sure that all their kids are learning to speak English” is the absolutely stupidest thing I have heard today.

Sure..but Tom Brokaw, at 78, is hardly middle age. What he said is stupid but it’s more to do with old man’s syndrome than anything else. Question is why would journalists not understand he may be a wee bit too old to have on as an expert.

You know, he’s right. We are a divided nation and I for one welcome his candidacy as it will give every American, regardless of their race, gender or political affiliation, a chance to come together and say “Is this douchebag for real?

You mean the point that was mostly about how a white man shouldn’t write about this but instead a WOC and then people pointed out a WOC wrote this? That point still stands, are you sure?

Plus a sample size of 10 isn’t large enough to be statistically significant.  Can’t generalize from exceptions.

As a Puerto Rican woman myself

Okay, to be honest, the evidence used in this reporting continues to confuse the hell out of me. The twitter link this article provides to argue that Rodriguez is wrong about her claims about Latin actresses does not actually prove anything of the sort. It actually just theorizes that her claim is based on a

Thank you. I’ve been reading this site daily for over 10 years but the last few weeks I’ve found it hard to continue, mostly due to this type of rhetoric and these types of posts. I hate what things have come to.

...Why am I posting this here, of all places. Probably because it’s demoralizing to watch this in my left twitter/fb/social media feed and realize the only other people that seem to care about the misreporting and response are neocon loonies who can’t also acknowledge this is an (over)reaction to the climate Trump has

I believe his side of the story and I like that he said he respects Phillips and, in the interview, he was not trying to guess how Phillips feels about things. Phillips approached him and he stood there and listened and smiled. I know some people assume it’s a smirk. To me, it looked like a person who is feeling

This worship of a POS transphobic garbage person is amusing. 

Right? I read this

Wonder whether she’ll hire hire a transwoman to “trap” him like she said she would to take revenge on a cheating boyfriend... yeah, she surely can do no wrong.

The homphobe and general shithead can’t do better than the transphobic, colorist payola jackpot winner? What a world. 

Please disperse! Nothing to see here!

While I certainly can’t speak for all Jews, I understand where the frustration is coming from. In many groups like this, if you openly identify as Jewish then you’d better be prepared to pass a litmus test on Palestine before anything else. The Chicago Dyke March was neither the first nor the last to do this and

Always be wary of leaders who believe they are un-replaceable and more important than the movement.” This.

I’ve never trusted Linda Sarsour. She is someone who claims to be an Intersectional Feminist, while regularly defending Saudi Arabia and Sharia Law. I guess we’re supposed to ignore what happens to Women and the LGBT community under sharia, which we often do, in order to not be lumped together with far right bigots. An

3 things can be true: