Pete Worst

Not what I heard.

“You know, after getting burned up, you get that one for free,” he quips. “After that, you’re Harrison Ford, crashing airplanes. You just want to keep your head down.”

Because Drew Barrymore needed some attention. And if there’s anyone who knows anything about terrible acting, it’s Drew Barrymore.

Well, he tried to, anyway. Not that we’ll ever see it.

You’re the one in here constantly and consistently shitting your pants over dumb shit like this, Billy, so who’s throwing the tantrum?

Can’t wait! Buhloone Mindstate might be one of my most listened to records ever. ‘Patti Dooke’ has three of James Brown’s heaviest players on it while Guru does the hook, for fuck’s sake. Such a dope record.

It’s as if you’re wildly generalizing.

Trading/selling pins inside the park, or out in the Downtown Disney area? I’m surprised they allowed that.

So glad my mom is getting a reboot of the show that she routinely watches while doing something else on her tablet and then eventually falling asleep.

I don’t mind paying for something I enjoy, but the business model is broken.

It really is an unsolvable puzzle. I haven’t had an annual pass for over two years now, and I can’t even imagine the red tape and hassle I’d have to endure now to get one (if they’re even available anymore - I genuinely don’t know). Disney wants the best of both worlds when it comes to the parks - they want to own all

I do think the general feel of the parks should be in line with what Walt had in mind (a place where adults can go with their children and also have a good time), but yes, the people who say that only really care about what they want. To me, the only thing that ‘Walt wouldn’t have wanted’ is the ridiculous

Can’t talk, coming down.

Your imaginary conversations with yourself about what you think Americans say to themselves are even weirder than people buying water from a theme park ride.

Having moved away from Southern California a few years ago, I am a recovering Disney adult. I would happily go to the parks if given the chance nowadays, but honestly, I’ve really been enjoying carving their importance out of my life. I lived ten minutes from Disneyland, so I’d go a lot with my annual pass. It’s a

Dumb 14-year-old boys take everything seriously.

There are two morning radio show hosts called Kevin & Bean in Los Angeles who used to play the sound of a bell whenever they mentioned the name of a female celebrity they thought was hot.

I was about to ask who the hell cast 22-year-old Thomasin Mackenzie as a prison psychologist.

It was cool to see some hand-to-hand melee combat with the clickers, too. It wasn’t just the standard shoot-the-zombie-in-the-head route. Wouldn’t have minded seeing one of them get shivved in the neck, though.

If this was an Uncharted adaptation, I’d say there weren’t nearly enough needless forward somersaults done up a flight of stairs for my liking.