Pete Worst

Except the part about it being relatively short. Neither Avatar is relatively short to absolutely anything.

I got an underage sewer gangbang notification for this?

The only thing ‘antifa’ means or has ever meant is anti-fascist. So yes, it’s appropriate here.

Spring 2023 could mean April or May. A big Disneyland attraction being down for four or five months is a pretty big deal.

Which gives people an excuse to act like a bunch of dipshit teenagers at a slumber party after taking a community college Feminism 101 class, of course. How could I forget? What with this being the shittiest timeline imaginable and all.

It’s just so tired at this point.”

Most likely updates for Dial of Destiny.

I really hope they do something with the projection of the rats falling out of a tree or whatever the hell it is. I bet if you turned on the lights down there, you’d see the door to a break room or something.

And to think that used to be the agreed upon go-to when it came to right wing nutjob stupidity.

Scooby Doo on Zombie Island is one of the best SD movies by a long shot. It’s a classic. I bought it for my niece on DVD about ten years ago when she was 8, and we still watch it together when I see her.

Anyone not shocked in the slightest that the movie released by right-wing nut jobs was only released in theaters in Saudi Arabia and Russia?

So what you’re saying is that Night Court is mainly remembered by die hard sitcom nerds like yourself. Got it.

Will this do, Missouri?

The only reason this is gonna work is because of the characters and storylines Naughty Dog excel at creating.”

Surely you must realize that there are far more than ‘at least a few’ fans of the game looking forward to this show.

Take your fucking meds already.

Man states obvious fact about an argument that any rational thinking adult should have already realized within five seconds of hearing about said argument.

Or as the giant Thuggee in Temple of Doom. Or the Gestapo agent who gets a quick cameo as the zeppelin takes off in Last Crusade. RIP Pat Roach!

Just checked, and the only Emmys BCS has won was for the online promotional shorts like Kim’s ethics training video and what not. Emmy nominations? Yeah, it got 46 of those. Golden Globes is similar - six nominations (four of which were Odenkirk’s), zero wins.