Pete Worst

Don’t worry, you’ll have better opinions when you get a little older.

I started watching The Handmaid’s Tale over the holiday, and it’s really weird thinking of that line while watching Bradley Whitford.

There’s no way in the world that Alison Williams’ publicist and I wear the same size of shoes, especially not in 2016 when I had that foot rash. That’s just silly.

I’m sure they wouldn’t mind ten or twelve more Dave Chappelle specials, to be quite honest.

Yes, I’m sure he went 118 rounds of pugilistic pummeling with John “Boston Strong Boy” Sullivan in exchange for the town title and a fat Christmas goose just last weekend. Knocked asunder eleven men and a horse that day, he did!

And, you know, damaged people in general.

The fact that Will Smith was out shucking and jiving for the cameras 45 minutes after he assaulted someone on live television in front of millions of people the world over tells me everything I ever needed to know about Will Smith. And the media in charge of those cameras, too, for that matter.

Thank you. What a bullshit response from whoever the hell this Drew Gillis person is. Grown adults do not HIT PEOPLE when they get angry at them. If that’s honestly what you think, Drew, grow up. How wildly ironic it is to hear such a thing from someone who uses words (not their fists) as their profession.

Ticketmaster hasn’t been exactly beloved—memes about their exorbitant service and processing fees go back at least to the Obama administration

What a rotten name!

Yes, you’re correct. There really is no need for over the are.

I also read that during the flashback scene at the original Glass Onion bar, Miles is wearing the exact same outfit and hairstyle as Tom Cruise’s character in ‘Magnolia’.

Excellent reference. “Hello hello? I am saying, hello hello?”

Even if he does, you’ll have 90 people beating down your door to remind you to NEVER BET AGAINST JAMES CAMERON. Lose/lose.

No, this is hipster shitbag film making, in which two hipster shitbags like Greta Gerwig and Noah Baumbach agree to do a tentpole/potential franchise starter in exchange for giant piles of money so they can do another movie about divorcing couples screaming at each other for two hours or whatever the fuck. God, I

Let’s hope that the next time you choose to post multiple times in the same comment section, you do more than cut and paste.

Another person’s opinion is ‘unfortunate’?

I do. They’ll reintroduce her at some point, but as far as continuing the shit timeline and story that was continued in WW84, I think it’s done. And rightfully so.

Hiring Gunn is the smartest thing they’ve done in ten years.

Kinja is the pre-shit bed we all keep getting back into every night.