Pete Worst

Yeah, dumb 12-year-olds don’t admit they were wrong very often, especially when it comes to their first big boy movies.

A lot of sexy time with HR.

Trump wouldn’t donate five cents to his mother if she was on fire and needed it to buy a glass of water.

Hi Malaysian. Why don’t you go do some reading of your own and tell me all about this place called Sea that you think exists. When you’re done with that, go the fuck back to Reddit with the rest of the 12-year-old morons where you belong.

Sweetie, nobody gives a shit, no matter how many threads you start. Accept it. If you’re so invested in reality vs. fantasy, get the fuck off the internet and go outside. I don’t give much of a fuck about this movie either, but you don’t see me repeatedly pulling my dress over my head about it.

Is it alright if we actively neg him from the sidelines? Because honestly, he just sounds like kind of a dick. He’s one of those people you wander away from at a party.

Dude, take your bullshit ‘AMERICA BAD!!!1!’ nonsense the fuck back to Reddit where it belongs. I’m sure you’ll get much more of a response from those fucking 12-year-old dipshits.

Maybe you should go put a sweater on, Pop Pop. It’s cold in here.

So is your refusal to put a period at the end of your sentences while still doing this same boring gimmick poster schtick. Pick a lane.

Good god, Lupita’s first appearance made my jaw drop. She’s clearly been working out! Good on her. She might have the most flawless skin I’ve ever seen in my life.

Totally agree about Wright. She was fun and funny in the first one, but I just chalked that up to a cleverly written and presented supporting character. But she really carries the lead extremely well here, and I’m glad she was given the role she got. (It makes me wish that all the anti-vax stuff in the actor’s past

You probably remember when cars didn’t exist, Pop Pop. Now let’s get you back in front of the TV so you can finish up your stories and take your pill.

Grow a skin, snowflake. Maybe it won’t hurt as much then.

I think Rainn’s playing the good doctor might be one of my favorite casting choices of all time. I wonder if the real Doctor Demento was as much of an opportunistic freeloader as the movie made him out to be.

After all the years of abuse, I do not think Britney is completely there upstairs. Any response other than ‘Dude, I’m not dead’ would make me believe that someone other than Britney herself had actually said it.

Cool. Now back to yelling at your mom to make you more chicken nuggies.

:: glares in Latin ::

Why support free speech when you can charge eight dollars for it?

All the people who stood to make giant fuckpiles of money from said transaction did, yes. That should be quite clear.

This is James Cameron and his gigantic fucking ego saying exactly that, yes.