Pete Worst

You’re either too young or too dumb to realize how much of a compliment that is, but regardless, everything about you has been disappointing. I’m sure your actual dad feels the same way.

Not offended, just bored. Was that all the dim flickering candle inside your skull could manage, or were you just that excited about seeing your very own words on a screen?

The beverages are clearly going to be called Brawndo.

Wow, what an in-depth analysis. Did you write this doctoral thesis yourself? Or did you just copy this low-effort bullshit straight from Reddit while sitting on the toilet?

I know plenty of rich people. They don’t act like this.

May a mighty wave of the cancerAIDS inflict ye and your kin from this day forth, good sir.

He must’ve hit traffic coming out from under his bridge.

I just think the word ‘assholes’ works fine without having to revert to tired cliches. Star Wars assholes come from many a corner. Especially these days.

I wish it WAS John Houseman. I miss that man.

I was thinking that maybe he meets K2SO in prison, but I think it’s been said by the producers that the two don’t meet up until the second season. That would be kinda cool, though. Similar to how young Han met Chewie in ‘Solo’.

My very first thought.

Arrested development? I have a house, a car, a wife, a job, and a stepdaughter. I pay taxes. I vote. I do boring adult shit all goddamn day long. I also love Star Wars more than probably anything else in the world (the wife and the stepdaughter come close). Spare me the ‘arrested development’ crap, and enough with the

Yeah, and shoot the whole thing in a broom closet at midnight with the lens cap on! DARKER DARKER DARKER!


And it’s all shot on an iPhone at the gym.

It’s not like it wouldn’t have precedent.

This all sounds like some bad movie.


If anything, this looks like a remake of a combination Rockys III and IV. Creed is rich and established, a friend dies in the ring, Creed feels obligated to fight them after said death, etc. Looks pretty decent, but that’s where its influences are.

Lil’ Clubber, played by the ghost of Gary Coleman.