Pete Worst

Name 10 roles that a 600-pound actor would be ‘perfect’ for that wouldn’t just be them playing a person who weighs 600 pounds.

The last time I read an article about how she was just getting comfortable with the nudity in whatever she was doing at the time, I clicked over to Reddit immediately afterward and scrolled through post after post of her being naked (or damn close to it) on social media. I guess she was more comfortable with it than

The day that insufferable fucking shitheel leaves AVC will be one for the ages. And yet, this sucky place will still suck worse than anything capable of sucking will ever be able to suck.

Not my fault they don’t know their references. I can’t even imagine how badly some of them would be offended by some of the stuff in MBD, anyway. And that’s just Peter Sellers’ character alone.

And I get the idea that you are quickly morphing into the Andy Rooney of this particular website. Next you’ll be telling us that you never particularly cared for ice cream.

Much better than being shit on from a great height.

It’s clearly Tyler Perry. There are so many classic Tyler Perry movie tropes being played out in this episode that it’s not even funny. ‘The Boondocks’ did the same thing a while back, and Tyler himself threw a hissy fit about it and threatened to leave TBS. Hell, Donald Glover as Kirkwood Chocolate even said

It does look really good, but honestly, I don’t give much of a shit about it because I am not 12.

“Pretty cynical, condescending stuff.”

Curious as to why the hell you would have notes about whether Lou Albano or Bob Hoskins were dead.

Hey man, I ate an apple. I’m good. When your heart explodes at 45, you’ll wish you had too.

But Taco Bell desperately needs some sides for breakfast - the cinnabon bites don’t count.

I would’ve enjoyed that movie a lot more if its fairly interesting concept wasn’t so tightly wrapped around how inherently fucking irritating Zoomers are. It’s like Murder By Death, except nobody’s funny.

You can think that all you like, but I think you’re wrong. Van wasn’t there for any acting accolades. She was there for a paycheck because she’s a single mother with a clearly absent father to her child. Jealousy of her daughter wasn’t the issue I was concerned about. Her safety was much more what I had in mind, and I

If anyone thinks any of those reviews are real, I’ve got a box full of stolen government documents to sell them. Oh, and also a bridge.

Her book was ‘The Power of Judyism’, not Judaism.

Tenuta had claimed her birthdate as Nov. 7, 1965, but she was born in 1949, [her publicist Roger] Neal said. “She was old school so she would never tell her real age, but now that she’s gone we can tell her real age,” he added.”

Yeah, that’s most likely it.

Yes, you are. You really are!

I think it’s on this episode of WTF -