His dad is rich?
His dad is rich?
I suspect we’d know if there had been another Star Trek movie since he died.
When you something eat it in El Dan’s basement.
Isn’t it weird to feel nostalgia for something as shit-all terrible as Disqus?
Yes, like that Ninja Turtles action figure you’ve had up your butt since you were eight.
Now Tayne I can get into.
Earn and Al definitely just got lucky while using the Shmurda exit, but also, how did that studio not have a back exit before he built it? Isn’t that a fire hazard or something?
It’s based on everyone’s actual family. I don’t care what color you are, there is someone in your family who always brings drama. I have an aunt who got herself thrown out of the Denny’s we were all eating at because she couldn’t stop yelling about all the same family bullshit she’d been yelling about for the past 20…
Vaccinations? LUXURY! We never had such things. Let them have to dive headFIRST into the fire like we did.
I bet there are a lot of things you haven’t touched in 30 years.
The dumbfuck Zoomers who run this shithole now have no idea what a Dawes even is. Hell, I doubt they know what a rotary telephone is.
Just wait until you get to the part where they fuck each other.
No surprise you can’t construct a sentence.
Please don’t respond to that fucking troll. It doesn’t care about facts.
But why did it have to be a BLACK lagoon, HUH?
And Hurley from Lost!
It’s my YouTube clip of choice to post on Thanksgiving morning every year.
Oh, I’m sure we’re just a few days from a few intolerable fucks on Instagram bitching about its lack of LGBTQ representation. Never fear.