I loved that so much. Bryan Fuller knocked the hell out of it. Only thing I would’ve wanted more is a Pushing Daisies crossover.
I loved that so much. Bryan Fuller knocked the hell out of it. Only thing I would’ve wanted more is a Pushing Daisies crossover.
Sorry, but those last two stories are ridiculous. Anyone who is going to make that much noise online after a dumb old white guy like Pat Sajak says some dumb old white guy shit on a show aimed at dumb old white people need to find something better to do with their time. There are bigger problems in the world to…
Sajak’s been a right-wing weirdo for years.
“Never let whether or not you have actually seen something keep you from reviewing it.” - the internet
So have you seen this or not? Sounds to me like not.
It’s a reference, not a pun.
I usually roll my eyes at the ‘How much is Disney paying you for this!!!?1!’ fanboy nonsense, but Disney DEFINITELY paid for this fanboy nonsense. I’m sure the same thing will be over at Gizmodo/iO9, too.
Yes, RISE from your shackles, o ye that hath been oppressed! RISE!
Probably my favorite episode. Her response to the demon who said she was going to take a dump, and would anyone like her to bring them back one too is hilarious.
Gen Z is the Nyquil chicken of generations.
Here’s a hot tip for ya: men can scream just as much as women can shout.
There are a number of reasons, but the main one I’ve heard about is that it’s basically just tap water that Coca-Cola bottles and sells for a huge profit margin after they’ve filtered minerals out of it and replaced them with salt.
Could you pick it up a bit? I got shit to do today.
And you ain’t Ryan.
This magic button on my phone labeled ‘Google’ tells me that that’s an older photo, but Ryan is 24.
I’m not convinced you actually watched the movie we’re talking about.
Vince Gilligan: “Hey, idiot, could you put some numbers besides zeroes on here too?”
Sums it all up, doesn’t it? You can practically hear him making the noise with his mouth.