
No one backed off Bynes until she was actually hospitalized and diagnosed. Nothing I’ve seen from Banks seems to show that she’s mentally ill, just that she hates everyone but herself and thinks she will be given a pass (and is!).

She is a horrible human being. A couple of weeks ago she called several different black men niggers, and AMAZINGLY hotep twitter’s response was “maybe you should look within to see why she called you that”. People make excuses for her and her “just aight” music ALL THE TIME! She’s homophobic, racist, and sexist.

Eh I mean some of what she tweeted yesterday was pretty fucking terrible. Joking about his extended family in Pakistan being wiped out, or about how his “refugee mother” won't be granted asylum? That shit, along with the wealth of other hateful crap she's tweeted makes her look pretty much like a hate monger herself.

Two wrongs don’t make a right. She is way worse than anyone this website has ever called out for racism and homophobia, and makes that cheeto-coloured asshole Donald Trump look like a liberal choir boy, and yet you’re “conflicted” about her? Really?

Right though? She was literally talking about hoping Trump bombs Zayn and his family... Fuck her and her "perspective"

Being racist towards other minorities is not a blunt and refreshing perspective on racism.

People are agreeing with her perspective on racism, on an article where she used where somebody came from to insult them, if only there were a name for that kind of behaviour

She is such a terrible fucking person. Who gives a flying fuck if every so often she says something coherent? SHE IS AWFUL. Full stop.

Hi, I am a man, and I disagree. I don’t want to compare the body image issues of girls and boys. You probably think that girls have more severe body image issues, and you are probably right. But that doesn’t mean we should dismiss the body image issues of boys.

Indeed! =]

Remember, she’s black... so she can’t be racist!

yeah I cant help but to crack up at the fact that she constantly tries to say that her career hasn’t taken off because of racism against her but at every turn she’s racist right back at anybody around... and homophobic... and ablesit.... any anti semetic.

Remember when 99% of Jezebel loved this woman just because she bashed Iggy?

Come on say it. She is RACIST.

I am a 38 year old married father of three who was a fraternity member in college, yet got along very well with women in my early 20's. And why did you assume that I was talking about a heterosexual male just trying to get laid?

Hi. Boarding school, Ivy League educated black female here. I feel very comfortable in those scenarios. Just like you, I am a person and that means I am capable of forging relationships with all types of people.

Let’s consider what you just wrote: “...doing away with the privilege attached to exclusive clubs.”

Regardless of effect banning only male only clubs (or punishing for membership) could possibly violate title XI. So regardless of Harvard’s intentions this is likely the only way for them to get rid of the male only clubs without being forced to detooth their policy.

If you want all-male clubs to admit women, then all-female clubs have to follow the same rules and be willing to admit men. I say this as a black woman who understands the need for minority groups to have their own spaces and who also understands that all-male, all white clubs have traditionally provided networking

So it isn’t discriminatory to ban male-only clubs but it is discriminatory to ban female-only clubs?