
This is the problem. Liberals have marketed certain news sources as “not news,” and people like you eat it up. You are literally saying that there is almost no rational conservative argument, which is so freaking false. Many believe just the opposite of what you believe, so why should any company ketow to what YOU

This seems to be typical of those left-leaning/liberal mindset. My view is right and I can’t possibly comprehend that anyone would think/believe differently.

You do realize that conservative viewpoints aren’t 100% about global warming right? Like, there are dozens of issues that conservatives and liberals disagree on.

Frankly, people like you are the problem, just like the extreme morons on the right. Maybe if people like you stopped treating them like idiots we could

“Conservative new/views should be suppressed. I am against censorship, but...". Yep, liberals are big fans of free speech. Unless you they disagree with you.

You very distinctly outlined why I am no longer a “liberal”. Just because they don’t agree with you, you want them stopped, suppressed, shut down. The fascism of the left is out of control.

You are against censorship unless someone has an opinion different than yours. How noble.

Ahh the SJW ethos of demanding diversity everywhere BUT in ideas rears its ugly head.

What a typically liberal response.

I dunno, I *get* the outrage. This whole “meternity” thing shows that most people think maternity leave is a perk or a vacation and not a necessary time to heal after EXPELLING A HUMAN BEING FROM YOUR BODY ONE WAY OR ANOTHER! I mean, the fact that maternity leave still isn’t mandatorily(ok i made that word up) paid

Ok yes, noted, you’re team “it’s ok to fuck someone over because whatever, they aren’t me and getting what I want is more important.” Please join the group to the left - we’re requesting you all start wearing signs so the rest of us humans who actually possess empathy can avoid you more easily going forward. Thanks!

You know, I had a long sarcastic response all typed out, but then decided - oh, fuck it. If you genuinely believe it’s 100% fine to intentionally do things you know will hurt other people just because hey, fuck those people, they aren’t you and what you want is more important than their stupid families and feelings

Oh for gods sake. Obviously I don’t mean marriage = literal ownership of another human being. But in 95% of marriages (a common thing people are typically aware of) it’s understood to be a monogamous committed relationship between two people. If it’s not your relationship, don’t insert yourself into it. It’s common

It’s really not complicated. Don’t do things that you know are morally wrong, and your life - as well as that of everyone who comes into contact with you - is a lot simpler. Also, your conscience will be clearer, if you have one. You, at least, will not be hurting anyone deliberately, and that’s a bit less cruelty and

Thank you for saying this. Look, I think Jay-Z should get shit too, obviously. And would I slut-shame this woman or send her death threats? Never. But to act like she has nothing to apologize for and that she did absolutely nothing wrong is shitty. I have numerous friends that have turned guys down because they knew

Are you honestly suggesting that she was unaware that JayZ was married?

For serious! I just don’t understand how knowingly participating in something that you know will hurt someone else isn’t considered morally repugnant. Using the “ I didn’t make a commitment” line like a get out of jail free card technicality is really gross.

God, I know. Poor thing. What kind of world is it where you can’t even fuck a famous married dude and tell people about it without people judging you?

Basic. Human. Empathy. It’s not a complex concept. No, a marriage isn’t ownership, but I assume most people are familiar with the idea of it and know inserting themselves into one is a fucked-up thing to do. I’m seriously agog you’re still defending this.

Thank you. And thank you! I feel like I’m explaining basic human empathy like its some complex decadent concept.