
Most of us middle aged people *can* afford $70, but many of us are also cheap and wait for a sale. Are you new to human psychology? This is basic stuff.

If you genuinely believe there aren’t 22 million middle aged HP fans with a nostalgia itch, you’re delusional. I would bet that demographic is the overwhelming majority of the sales.

Must be nice to have infinite disposable income.

“It’s reasonable to assume that Harry Potter fans would have purchased the game within the first month or so.”

What multi billion dollar franchise is The Day Before attached to?

Might be a regional thing, might be I’m old.

Most developers aren’t making AAA budget licensed games. If they are, 8/10 isn’t a success.

That’s how ratings work. Either a product has 4 stars on Amazon, or it’s bad. That’s 8 out of 10. Any competently executed product should be able to hit that score, especially when it has a AAA budget.

“Mighty” is a hilariously stupid word to use. To me, that would be 10/10. I would never use a word like that to describe an 8.

“Generally Favorable” is a synonym for mediocre. So is B. A C would be generally UNfavorable, something most people should avoid spending money on.

Those are still subjective numbers. Review scores are always subjective.

I never said otherwise. What I said is it’s a mediocre game, and the reviews in aggregate support that.

I’m sure we could both cherry-pick reviews to support our positions. You found one that is particularly effluent in its praise.

The data is the reviews, which call the game repetitive with dull combat.

It’s a mediocre game that sold 10x as much as it would have without the license. Even the “mostly positive” reviews say this, calling the game repetitive with dull combat.

Indeed, shame on them for giving a genocidal fascist money instead of allowing their creative works to stand on their own merits. Sadly it worked out for them financially, which will only encourage such behavior in the future.

It’s a mid 70s game that got a +10 bonus for nostalgia. I hope selling their souls for the license was worth it.

Even graded on a nostalgia curve it only managed an 84. That is mediocre.

According to every review I’ve seen, it’s a mediocre game. That’s separate from it having no cultural impact.

That only shows how little people care about Avatar.