
Is it time to build the guillotines yet?

You must belong to the class of people who the law protects but does not bind.

If it’s designed for cops to access it, it already has bad actors exploiting it.

Then you must also support banning diesel semis, which catch fire much more often.

Musk is a far right authoritarian. He wants to Make Apartheid Great Again. Of course he supports Trump.

Unironically thanks Obama. The average gas price in 2015 and 2016 was cheaper than ANY year of Trump’s presidency.

But capitalism is “greed and shitbirds taking advantage of a situation to enrich themselves at exorbitant costs to the victims”. That’s literally the entire purpose of capitalism. It’s how capitalism is designed to work.

This feature should be illegal. Tesla doesn’t have a self-driving car, much less a level 4 which is required for operating without any human intervention.

You don't get rich by risking your own money. Always set it up so someone else (investors, the government) is left holding the bag if things go poorly, but if things go well you keep the profits.

This isn’t about their market share shrinking. The total number of vehicles they’re selling is shrinking. It’s possible, and even expected, for a market leader in a new type of product to grow sales while market share shrinks. It’s rare for the market leader to shrink while the rest of the market grows.

Do you mean the left, or liberals? Those are very different groups.

On top of the inherent weirdness of the fetish, there’s also an abusive power dynamic (from both sides) and an Oedipal aspect to it. Plus, as KinjaKungen said, the acting adds another layer. If you met someone in real life who behaves the way he does, you would be wondering where he hides the bodies.

I think you’re giving conservatives way too much credit. These are the same people who were shocked that Star Trek is woke.

Their leader is. He was recently convicted of 34 such crimes.

I think Wolf hits harder than it would otherwise *because* you don’t see it. There is no spectacle, no excitement of watching dozens of ships fighting. You only see dead ships, and the reactions of the Enterprise crew. The gut punch is when you realize they would 100% have been among the dead if they had arrived a

The only other Star Trek battle that ever hit that hard was Wolf 359. I still remember watching the Enterprise arrive at the aftermath. Both battles served a similar purpose, and took place during a season-ending cliffhanger.

No, supply and demand is PART of a free market. Another part is producers choosing what kind of supply they create. The fact that demand exists does not require anyone to create that supply.

YouTube doesn’t want to be associated with terrorist-adjacent content. That’s their choice. The free market has spoken.

They look cool in the same way The Homer looks cool. It’s different, it catches your eye, but you don’t necessarily want to own one.

The trial ignited his base, who were already 100% going to vote for him, so nothing changed. Nobody who isn’t already a MAGA cultist will be moved to vote *for* Trump because of his conviction.