They don’t need ammo, they just make shit up when they need their voters to hate somebody.
They don’t need ammo, they just make shit up when they need their voters to hate somebody.
That’s zetta tough, but can either of them cast Level i Flare? A spell so powerful it not only hits all real targets, but all imaginary targets and targets with a negative level.
Same reason they got offended by Wolfenstein: The New Colossus, a game about shooting Nazis (actual German ones) in an alternate timeline America.
I would bet that all of the people offended by it are MAGA chuds and other nazi offshoots.
Are there any Gerudo voe born after OoT Ganondorf? Because I can sympathize with that reincarnation, but there’s like ten thousand years in between.
I get your point, but look at Impa or Robbie. I have NO IDEA how long people live in the Zelda universe. There are several Hylian characters who are older than any human who has ever lived outside of mythology.
Needs a secret finishing move where a submarine drops on both of them.
Nope. You’re just being an asshole for the sake of being an asshole. Even this part is wrong: “Fans (particularly and especially in groups) have a nasty habit of thinking that loving a thing confers some measure of ownership or authority. It doesn’t.”
Criticizing other people for the harmless things they enjoy is super toxic.
There is a fan theory that the Gerudo know who Link is, but accept him anyway because he is making an effort to present as a vai. This would mean that even though Link isn’t trans, if a trans woman came to Gerudo Town, they would accept her too.
You are the only person being toxic here.
This got me thinking. Mipha and Zelda were close. Mipha would have known that Zelda had secret feelings for Link. Despite that, she planned on proposing to him. There are only two logical conclusions:
“It’s a videogame it doesn’t need to tick all the political checkmarks under the sun.”
There was a time when the pokemon coFAGrigus couldn’t be traded online unless you renamed it to something other than its default name.
Writers are unionized. *Actors* are unionized. They benefit from union membership, and are hardly low skill. Labor rights are on a decline in America since Reagan, and suckers like you are the reason why.
You in the early 1900s: “How are the meat packers getting screwed over? If they don’t like 100 hour weeks and risk of death on the job, they can just get another job. They are choosing meat packing over better paying options like coal mining.“
Repeated applications of stress can weaken a material so it breaks after several successful uses. For example, take a paperclip and bend it backwards. It didn’t break. Now bend it back again at the same place. Didn’t break again. Repeat a dozen more times, though, and it probably will break.
“I think there is a negative correlation between jobs that people like and income”
He’s the only one I’m even a little bit close to feeling bad for, but I also read that he was excited to solve a Rubik’s cube at the sea floor, so who knows what was actually going on in his head. It’s all second hand info.
I was talking about professional roles, too. If engineers and software developers unionized, they would have higher pay and less unpaid overtime. Professional animators need unions even more, look at the discourse around Spider-Verse now.