
You know, just wanted to say didn't imagine myself commenting on this with the AV Club crew. Glad we got to spend this historic moment together :)

its fascinating to see democracy try to correct itself

James Garner as Frank

Ever since he got rid of Rosen, his podcast has been unbalanced. She at least grounded him and had more liberal POV. As much as I respect Bald Bryan, he is such a Carolla schill it's sad to hear him never hold his own against Adam. Adam I think is one of the greatest comic minds out there but he's hamstrung by his own

"The Living Deadlights" is their secret album

Totally different opinion after binging over a week or so. "A" Grade, through and through for me (or at least "A-"

We helped his short game

Rothfus is writing for this??!!

It's because in a world where automation will eventually take all of the manual jobs (and many of the current white-collar jobs such as support and sales), the only people who are going to have jobs are the programmers. Men are too dumb to see this; busy bitching and pontificating about things that don't matter on

Its the same in any profession. When people start in their late 20's early 30's in my profession, they have already lost 5-8 years of solid experience. Talent can make up for that, absolutely. But there are some technical things that are embedded in a veteran's psyche that just make things easier.

They could have just renamed Diamondback "I'm Gonna Get you Sucka"

Continuity errors

Claudia O'Doherty is a national treasure and we should steal her permanently from Australia

What has Rogan said about his bit in the whole affair?

That was as a nice "The Band" shout-out.

Waiting for either Moffat or Day to break out. I like them but haven't seen it come out yet.

Clerks is art. Mallrats was great pop-culture. He had a string of related Jersey stuff that was good for a few years after that. Then it all went downhill.

its gaslamping in action…Piers is saying "no, everything is fine. You aren't seeing what you see." And Jeffries is Ingrid Berman going nuts.

Radioland Murders videogame adaption or nothing is what I say

I'd argue filmmaking is a powerful part of war-time propaganda