
"awesome" said member-berries

Sorry, Wendy's are both shit and Chick Fil et should be at top. Plus, no mention in side bar of Chick Filet's Polynesian sauce which is best sauce. period.

wow, was pretty much going to post just to say this so thanks

I actually feel better after eating a few shredded chicken soft tacos at Taco Bell than say eating chicken nuggets or a chicken sandwich at McDonalds or Wendy's. All of Taco Bell is pretty much 5 or 6 ingredients within some sort of tortilla so making it chicken isn't really that much of a leap. It's kinda like the

serious answer…really, no one will ever be proved to be the killer. Sure, some more speculation and stitching together whatever evidence they do have in a new way…but Boulder PD and other agencies involved messed up so bad that any chance of getting what they needed from anyone, including the family, disappeared. I

D is worse than F in AV Club land

Junk is so bad that it actually is amazing.

How do you think Churchill put on all those pounds?

TRI-co…get it? Because its the 3rd.

Its not if a franchise director is "great" or not…it's the fact he's delivered on time, on budget for years and with critical success (for the most part) to boot

.04 secs and yes, he should have read that NDA a little more in-depth.

its the whole point of the episode - he slipped on the glasses, phone wasn't supposed to be on, his whole brain lit up and it was all in his head.

I want to play Roy

I couldn't be her point of view because she wasn't actually watching him

I think you are missing something…the "game" starts when the visor thingy is over his head and at that moment, his phone rings. I think as soon as his phone rang he died but we saw time stretched over .04 seconds. At least that's my take

The humor is in how ridiculously accurate and biting their parody is

up and Atom

My game is called Cards Against Cards Against Humanity

Suspiria, the movie horror snobs want to make sure you know they've seen.
Hate it sooo much.

Imagine Engines…a collaboration