
he hates the sun and everything about it. plain and simple.

uh uh uh

I don't think he was really that deep underwater…he is underwater for sure, but I think it was meant to symbolize more his losing consciousness. When he comes to, he will be staring Drogon in the face with the option to join Danny.

mmm…hot backs…the best

good Epps

They pretty much said screw it in regards to timespans this season

I took notice of that. Made me wonder if Iron Bank is opposed ethically to supporting slavery

Is it ok to be weirdly attracted to Besty DeVos?

Yeah…I would go even further and say they are like the bad guys in the Running Man

I think the faceless men were just like, "f it, just get out of here"

Zooks is standing in the shadows with the Widow Howl-app

The villain is Ugly Kid Joe

Are we talking Turtle?

Debbie is a goddess.

You can break out of the mold as long as it fits the mold

Plaid light pattern when they hit "Ludicrous Speed"

Taylor Swift + Dazzler = T. Swazzler

The rockumentary series about Killers front man Brandon Flowers is indefinitely put on hold.

Et tu, Banne'

This isn't a cartoon. It's an animated dramedy