PersnicketyPants (Enemy of Trolls)

Now Biden has a ready made excuse for this abysmal showing.

Not to mention that every campaign had a precinct leader present for the vote count and final allocation which they would have sent to their campaign. Thus it’s impossible to fake the final vote. Everyone and their mother has a phone; most of which recorded it in real time.

Particularly since the remaining results haven’t been released all day and probably won’t be until tomorrow at least. It’s misleading.

One important thing to understand. A lot of voters are low information voters. So when Pete says he supports “Medicare for all who want it”; they think “universal healthcare with Medicare as an option if I want it”. They don’t think that it means some people are left out by the high cost of private insurance.

You think you have hope?  I’m holding out hope for Warren to win the caucuses; because maybe she is the second choice of the nonviable candidates’ voters.  Now THAT  is hope.  Let’s ugly cry together!

That’s what kills me. These zealous supporters bullying everyone is not helping Bernie at all.

I am aware that most Bernie supporters are probably lovely people; but by the same token, he’s the only candidate that attracts really awful abusive trolls.  I wonder why that is.  Yang has a few of them, but nowhere near the amount that Bernie has.  It will always be a concern for me.

What the fuck is that nonsense?

Yea, I’m really uncomfortable with the celebritization of politicians; even worse; seeing them as a savior.  Systemic change takes work; and time; and it’s a long term slug towards a goal.  I worry that his young supporters think that it’s just going to magically  happen. 

Would that the only “Nazis” we had to deal with in this country were “spell check” or “grammar” Nazis.  ;-)

You have to not fall for the false narrative put forth by the media who trot out the women who hate other women as a shield for their own misogyny.  There are a lot more male sexists/misogynists than female.  Exponentially so.  

Fair point.   Will we ever get a chance again to test it?  I doubt it.


I was actually just responding to the Tweet. I’m sorry I didn’t clarify that. What I meant by Warren “trying” was that she recognized that systemic racism is a problem; has policies that address that and “is trying to garner more support from POC” which she has yet to do in any meaningful way.

To be honest; I am coming to accept the fact that a women will never be president. Any woman running is picked apart at the microscopic level; and found wanting; as would any human; and then she is recast as something she is not; look at what the Bernie bros have done to Elizabeth Warren.

I’m actually responding to the Tweet which did mention Warren. I agree that she needs to earn black votes and voters of color; I just think she is trying whereas Sanders isn’t really.

The one caucus that I attended in Seattle in 2008, thankfully did not allow that. We were given 1 minute each to politely speak to the undecided voters or supporters of unviable candidates as to why they should pick our candidate; and we were watched to make sure we remained polite.  And this was in a sub group.  So

Not to mention the group dynamics of pushy people pressuring shy people.

I went to a caucus when I lived in Seattle in 2008. Everyone was polite and it was a nice experience. They set it up so that no one was allowed to be too pushy. From what I hear, 2016 devolved into bullying matches. Gee, I wonder why.

That’s a terrible idea. Small states already have a stranglehold on our democracy (see the senate and the electoral college). The large population states are continually screwed over in favor of sparsely populated mostly white states. It’s undemocratic.