
“Coercive pressure over a period of weeks” is not sexual violence. It is manipulation.

I am comfortable with the person who did this being thrown away.

Junkies target old people for burglary because old people are more likely to have prescription painkillers. There’s a good chance that is what this was.

False. Nonviolent drug offenders are a small percentage of people in state prisons and local jails, and a majority of state prisoners are violent offenders.

For all the talk of rehabilitation as the sole legitimate goal of a criminal justice system, this was a crime committed by monsters.

There’s a guy in the thread that details the loss-protection procedures from Macy’s. The store seemed to be pretty fastidious about evidence, and he says a store detective would be fired for making 2 bad stops in a 12 month period. Just because these people claim to be innocent doesn’t mean it’s true.

College admissions have cutoffs based on a GPA/test score matrix. groups with admissions concessions get lower cutoffs. There are admissions concessions for legacies, athletes and underrepresented minorities. Women do not get concessions unless they belong to those groups.

Indians from India do not get affirmative action.

If you get a low SAT score, you are probably stupid, so I wouldn’t say SATs are predictive of nothing.

Being on a championship cross country team is sort of a qualification. The other kid’s dead mother is sad, but irrelevant.

The irony is that admissions are 90% GPA/SAT. Everything else only matters in bubble cases.

Don’t date a social justice man. Conservatives love librarians. George W. Bush married one.

Attending the University of Texas - Dallas is to attending the University of Texas what eating at Daniel McGinty’s House of Sammiches is to eating at Daniel.

Yeah. Texas is hard to get into out of state as well, but a lot of the in-state admits who get in under the 7% plan are donkey-brains.

You are Asian and you got rejected from Harvard with perfect SAT scores. Black people get into Harvard with around 1300 combined math/verbal.

You are in-state for Maryland an your son wants to go out-of-state to Texas? Carefully consider the financial implications!

There is no affirmative action for white women.

I am pretty sure she got an 1180 out of 1600. Nobody ever really took the writing section seriously.

Abigail Fisher fell short of the GPA/SAT cutoff for a selective state flagship under any admissions criteria.

Abigail Fisher fell short of the GPA/SAT cutoff for a selective state flagship under any admissions criteria.