
Yes. But people without the dyslexia also wanting extra time is not analogous to able-bodied people walking on a wheelchair ramp.

I don’t believe you.

It’s more like if you offer someone with dyslexia extra time on an exam and then the other students demanding extra time as well.

A lot of it is coming over from what they are learning in other classes. If your school has a women’s studies or Af-am studies department, some of the students will be getting their politics from those places.

Whatever these works make you feel is what you’re supposed to feel when you read these works. It shouldn’t be expected or even desirable that a professor should try to blunt that experience.

If you suffer from PTSD and experience panic attacks or flashbacks as a result of “triggers,” you may require a warning. Most of these students do not. They’re just trying to discourage professors from teaching things that clash with their ideology or sensibilities.

If a student has a diagnosed case of PTSD and has special needs that need to be accommodated, they should get academic advisors that help steer them away from triggering material, and they should certainly be able to go to a professor’s office hours and discuss their needs and how they might be affected by the content

You’d be singing a different tune if someone you were related to got murdered.

When you murder someone, you don’t get to “reform” and get your life back. She murdered a guy in a robbery. She is a dangerous animal, and she belongs in a cage.

Patricia did write this post accusing a YouTuber of harassment for ganking female Twitch streamers on PVP servers in World of Warcraft: