Persistent Cat

I never liked him with Amy. Amy was way too shallow to settle for Kip.

Not for one second do I believe Mindy Lahiri has not seen Top Gun.

I thought that too when she went to Annette's work. Staten Island is crazy far away and are there hotels in Staten Island?

Breakfast foods are the beset foods!

I hope to see more of her, she's hilarious.

The only way the suicide booth is out of character for Bender is because he loves himself so damn much. Otherwise, Bender is a character that doesn't think past the moment so I totally believe his impulse to kill himself. Plus the sheer ridiculousness of him using a suicide booth but stealing back his quarter is

But other people like it so why waste your time coming here to complain about it?

I wondered that too but I think it would have gotten him by now. Of course consistency isn't this show's strong point so maybe….

I'm an unapologetic fan of this show but I didn't like this episode. Reliving prom to the point where you decorate and spend money on it? Who would do that? How come no one is ever lazy on tv? Well, I guess watching people sit on their couch and text wouldn't be too compelling.

She doesn't get bogged down in the shame that women are supposed to feel when they have random sex. Raj never felt shame for almost sleeping with Penny but she did. For a day, then she got over it.

In the show, the males are in their 30s. I don't know about the females.

Yeah, I thought that too. He was consistent in being completely condescending.

To answer all the questions, we all knew Kenny Powers wasn't a scientist.

I think it was called "The Bus That Couldn't Slow Down."

I've seen this question asked before and my favourite answer I've ever read suggested the hairdressers and barbers are the same group of people who keep mowing the lawns.

I was just happy to get a bit more Futurama. I enjoyed the episode.

Yeah but he's the kind of gross fuck that would take anything as an invitation. Of course I realize I'm saying that about a fictitious character so……

Oh come on. Amy gave her opinion, the magazine made the decision.

I agree. As a woman, I found the idea of it offensive. She gave the magazine her opinion, they didn't have to listen.

Oh fuck! I didn't get that at all but now that you mention it, yes.