Persistent Cat

But has he been horrible or is it all talk? It's not like we ever see Peter with these random models that would pop out of nowhere in HIMYM and vacantly smile while Barney said something crude about them. Although I shouldn't compare these two shows.

I don't think Danny was intending for his mom to move in, I think he was just caught off guard by Mindy practically moving in. But that's just me. Peter's reaction when he realized Danny didn't know what Mindy did was priceless.

That's one of the reasons I sort of gave up on DListed. I got sick of the fucking stupid memes.

Spoilers suck. And people who spoil suck even more.

If you follow something on FB, new posts will show up on your newsfeed. So if you're on the west coast and start browsing through FB at 7pm, you likely would have seen the post. I feel bad for those people. For people who know they won't be watching the episode for several days after, they should just avoid the

That's a good friend.

I know, I ddn't buy that either.

I know. No mention of her past hook-ups with Jeremy? Or the guy she to whom she was engaged and moved to Haiti.

That's all I can think. You know how you always get your period, no matter how regular you are, at the most inconvenient of times? It must never end when society has collapsed and your favourite drugstore is no more.

He looks like he will treat me bad but I can change him.

No no no, not at all. I'm a woman so if you are, I have a comment about what I always think, but if you're a man, I'll make something up.

Are you a woman? This is dependent on my response to your comment.

I thought that about Darryl in the shelter/bunk bed scene. He's super sexy but I'm pretty sure I'd be able to resist him considering he probably reeks.

I also thought that was adorable. She just seemed so ernest.

I agree. And the entire van portion was ridiculous.

You make some good points.

I fucking love her parents. The delivery of "this isn't a parallel universe where you're getting any younger" kills me. But I see her more hooking up with a death row inmate who can't father kids and that would totally piss of Leo and Inez. Amy loves a bad boy.

But she hooked up with Bender, slept with Zapp, etc. The show could have easily done away with that plotline and it wouldn't have made a difference.

In Season 1, Mindy told Betsy she didn't want to see where she (Betsy) lived because it would make her depressed because they pay her so little.

"If that wicker chair I like survives, send it to my P.O. box."